XII Premio Galicia de Fotografía Contemporánea
XII Premio Galicia de Fotografía Contemporánea
XII Premio Galicia de Fotografía Contemporánea
XII Premio Galicia de Fotografía Contemporánea

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The Asociación OF Outono Fotográfico, the Galician Regional Government, and the Lugo City Council are organising the XII PREMIO GALICIA DE FOTOGRAFÍA CONTEMPORÁNEA (XII GALICIA AWARD OF CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY), according to the following terms.

FIRST | Object

To promote contemporary photography and the ethical issues that contemporary art generally raises with regard to forms of domination and the imposition of limits on thought. To promote the creation of a photographic space in Galicia that complements the one created over more than three decades by the Festival Outono Fotográfico by encouraging proposals of a visual-photographic nature from both national and foreign authors.

Any author who works with photography, regardless of their nationality, will be able to take part, bearing in mind that the jury's verdict will be particularly influenced by its inclusion in the discourse of contemporary photography.

SECOND | Award

A single prize will be awarded, consisting of the PRODUCTION OF AN EXHIBITION and/or the PUBLICATION OF A BOOK.


The winning photographic project would be the subject of a temporary exhibition that would open between December 2024 and February 2025. The technical characteristics will be set by the event's organisers according to the work itself and the budget limit. The exhibition will be produced by the "Asociación OF. Outono Fotográfico" which will appoint a curator responsible for designing, editing and sizing the exhibition.


A book could be published that would form part of the "GALICIA AWARD OF CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY" series in the "OF" collection from the publishing imprint of Difusora de Letras Artes e Ideas, a publishing house that will appoint the editor and designer of the book that would be distributed in bookshops.

ITINERANCY. The exhibition will be inaugurated in Lugo and could travel for two years. It could also be part of the programme drawn up for this purpose by both the Lugo City Council and the Galician Regional Government.

THIRD | Characteristics of the project to be presented

Participating authors must submit a photographic project made on any date between September 2014 and September 2024, and which has not previously been subsidised in its entirety or being subject of a grant in any other competition, or published in its entirety on any medium, with complete freedom in terms of theme and technique.

FOURTH | Submission deadline and conditions

The period for submitting the works will be 24 July to 15 September 2024. The projects will be submitted on the platform in https://site.picter.com/premiogalicia-2024

FIFTH | Documentation to be submitted

  1. Synopsis and/or authorial text of no more than 2,500 characters. It may contain links to the author's website, to videos, to other images of the project presented, or to other projects.

  2. A maximum of 15 images of the project. The images must be at least 3,000 pixels in their longest size in JPG format.

  3. Author's biography with a maximum of 1500 characters. It can contain links to the web, social networks or a CV or extended BIO.

SIXTH | Composition of the Jury

Vítor Nieves. Curator, teacher, editor and researcher. Coordinator of the Galicia Award of Contemporary Photography.

Xosé Lois Vázquez. Photographer, designer and editor. President of the Asociación OF.

Outono Fotográfico.

Eva Torres. Director of Exhibition Spaces and Museum Areas at the Ourense City Council.

Aurelia Balseiro García. Director of the Provincial Museum of Lugo.

Elina Heikka. Art historian and director of The Finnish Museum of Photography (Helsinki).

Jokin Aspuru. Manager and cultural producer, director of the Getxophoto festival (Euskadi).

Elisa Noronha Nascimento. Museologist, researcher and teacher. Curator of the Cerveira

Art Biennial (Portugal).

Secretary with voice but no vote Pablo González Prieto secretary of the Asociación OF.

Outono Fotográfico.

SEVENTH | Process of selection of works and publicity of the verdict

The Jury will select five projects as finalists. The names of the authors will be published

on 30th September 2024 on www.outonofotografico.com and on the social media of the

"Asociación OF. Outono Fotográfico". The selection will be made on the basis of the author's visual language, photographic quality and contemporaneity.

48 hours later, the Jury will select the winner from the finalists, whose name will be published through the same channels as above.

The Jury's decision will be final. The organisation will only contact the winner directly.

EIGHTH | Realisation of the project

The winner undertakes to deliver the set of images, texts or objects that make up the

project before 14 October 2024. The organisation may contact the winner to supervise the work carried out. The "Asociación OF. Outono Fotográfico" will appoint a person to assist and tutor the winning project, as well as a curator for the possible exhibition. Additional material may be requested from the winner for inclusion in the book that may be published.

NINTH | Exhibition and edition of the book

The exhibition will be produced once the work has been delivered, so that it will be ready for its inauguration after 20 December 2024. At the same time, the book will be prepared.

TENTH | Acceptance of the Rules

Participation in the GALICIA AWARD OF CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY presupposes full acceptance of these rules and, if they are not complied with, will be subject to the dictates of the Jury, who will have an unappealable judgement.

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