
The following documents must be submitted:

  • Up to 5 pictures per project in one, two or all three categories

The prizes

A jury of experts will award prizes to five photography projects in each of the three categories. The jury will also select the best project from these categories and an overall winner from all category winners. Category and overall winner will receive cash prizes totaling 3,000 euros (overall winner 1,500 euros, category winners 500 euros each). All winning entries will be published in TIPA member publications and on the TIPA website.


Jury members are the editors of the TIPA member publications


  • Participants must own all rights to the submitted images.
  • The organizers reserve the right to reject entries that violate ethical or moral standards. By registering, participants affirm that they are the sole authors of the submitted conception, that they may freely dispose of the presented works and existing rights of use thereto, and that the images are free of third-party rights.
  • The submitted concepts and resulting works may be used for the competition and its journalistic evaluation. The organizers have the right to exhibit the works selected by the jury for this purpose, as well as to publish them in the context of the journalistic evaluation.
  • By submitting an image to this contest the photographer grants rights to TIPA and its affiliated magazines and web sites for that image usage in print, online, and social media for the purposes of news stories about the winning images and contest, and publishing any image submitted deemed appropriate for press stories and publication about the competition and its results. This does not grant TIPA and its affiliated magazines any copyright on the image, but for full use of the image as publicity for the contest and its results in any media worldwide.
  • For the use of the awarded photos within the framework of the competition and their journalistic evaluation, the participants cannot claim a usage fee.

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.

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