Smartphone Photography Competition 2024
Smartphone Photography Competition 2024
Smartphone Photography Competition 2024
SPC is a long-term and professional annual competition platform, offers the opportunity for mobile photography enthusiasts around the world to compete for various rewards and the chance to exhibit their works with EASYART©, the leading platform for modern and contemporary art works retail and art digital copyright brokerage in China.

§1 General Provisions

  1. These rules define the terms and conditions of participation in the Smartphone Photography Competition (SPC). SPC is a CNIPA registered trademark with the registration number of 54327950.

  2. SPC was initiated and organized by a group of professional photographers keen to expand the boundaries of mobile photography in 2020, and is committed to providing a long-term and professional annual competition platform for mobile photography enthusiasts. SPC is jointly organized by EASYART艺直购©, the leading platform for online retail of modern and contemporary art works and art digital copyright brokerage in China.

  3. SPC 2024 is jointly sponsored by EASYART, PermaJet, and iCanstudio.

  4. The submission deadline for SPC is January 20th, 2025, 11:59 p.m. UTC. The deadline may be extended under the decision of the SPC program board.

  5. Participation in SPC is subject to NO registration fee.

§2 Evaluation and Prizes

  1. The First, Second and Third Place, and ten Honorable Mentions will be selected for each category.

  2. The First, Second and Third Place of the Photographer of the Year will be selected for the whole contest.

  3. Evaluation of entries will be conducted by the Jury appointed by the Organizer after the preselection done by the program board. The evaluation will take place during the period from January 21st, 2025 to April 21st, 2025.

  4. The result will be announced on May 1st, 2025 and it is no joke.

  5. The first, second and third place of the Photographer of the Year will be respectively awarded with:

A. 5000 RMB, the SPC trophy.

B. 3000 RMB, the SPC trophy

C. 1000 RMB, the SPC trophy

  1. The  First, Second and Third Place, and Honorable Mentions of each category will be respectively awarded with:

A. 500 RMB, the SPC trophy

  1. Projects of the winners of the contest will be presented in exhibition in 2025. The exact time and location of the exhibition will be announced later on and through emails.

§3 Terms of Participation

  1. The entries must be original works independently completed by the submitter, and the title, picture description and other required information must be indicated.

  2. The shooting and post-production of the entry must be done on mobile phones. The brand and model of the mobile phone are not limited. The original information of the photo must be kept, otherwise the organizer will regard it as an invalid work.

  3. The entries are required to be uploaded in JPG format. There is no limit to the color tone, both colored and black & white images can be submitted. The minimum length of the work is 1200 pixels. Except for the creative category, the pixel content of images competing for other categories are not allowed to be modified.

  4. This competition does not accept restoration of photos. All entries must not have any watermarks.

  5. Participants should have independent, complete and undisputed copyrights for the works they submit, and must not infringe any rights of third parties including copyrights, portrait rights, reputation rights, privacy rights, etc. Participants are deemed to agree with the content of this article. All legal responsibilities for related disputes caused by the failure of the above guarantees shall be borne by the contestants themselves, and the competition platform and event organizers have nothing to do.

  6. The organizer of this contest has the right to use all entries, which can be extended indefinitely and irrevocably after the submitting of the entries. The organizer can use any of the contestant's works for publicity and promotion worldwide without any additional payment. At the same time, the organizer is obliged to respect the authorship rights of authors and copyright owners during use.

  7. The winners of this contest will be notified by email. All winners are required to provide information consistent with their entries as proof, within the time specified by the organizer. If failed to provide accurate information within the specified time, resulting in failure to receive the corresponding prize, it will be deemed as voluntarily giving up the award qualification, and all the consequences will be borne by the participant himself.

  8. The final interpretation right of this competition belongs to the organizer of the event, and the unfinished matters will be supplemented by the organizer in accordance with the principle of good faith.

  9. AI generated images are allowed for submission.

  10. Participants must read the above terms carefully. Once the entry is submitted, it is deemed to agree to and abide by the above terms. The organizer reserves the right to disqualify any work that does not meet the requirements for soliciting contributions.

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Please feel free to contact us.

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