Smartphone Photography Competition 2024
Smartphone Photography Competition 2024
Smartphone Photography Competition 2024
SPC is a long-term and professional annual competition platform, offers the opportunity for mobile photography enthusiasts around the world to compete for various rewards and the chance to exhibit their works with EASYART©, the leading platform for modern and contemporary art works retail and art digital copyright brokerage in China.


PEOPLE: Photographic works that mainly express the lifestyle and living conditions of the characters, including portrait works. CREATIVITY: Observation of the real world in creative perspectives, or a new work obtained by reprocessing of existing photographic materials. All materials must be taken by the participant him/herself. NATURE: Photographic works ranging from various phenomena in nature (such as meteorology, walruses, and earth phenomena, etc.), to the ecology of animals and plants, or even celestial bodies. DOCUMENTARY: Photographic works that mainly seek to record the reality of life, reflect the relationship between people and people, and the relationship between people and nature, record people's activities, and describe the systems and customs in human social life. TRAVEL: Our journey can be either near or far, you can share the unique perspectives and wonderful moments during your travels, as well as all the stories that happened on the way. BLACK AND WHITE: Black and white images of any topics are welcome, they can be both originally shot in black and white mode or made by post - processing.

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