Encontros da Imagem - Photobook Award 2024
Encontros da Imagem - Photobook Award 2024
Encontros da Imagem - Photobook Award 2024


The Open Call for the Photobook Award EI 2024 is open to all artists, professional or amateur, national or international, over 18 years old. Artists may apply on an individual basis or as a collective.

Only self-made, self-edited and independent photobooks will be accepted. If the project is a dummy, it should be the closest to its final form, in the materials used and its format. Special attention will be paid to experimentalism and innovation in forms of publication.

Application of photobooks that have already been published by publishing houses will not be accepted.


For the application to be considered, there must be a registration and submission of the project through Picter's platform, subject to the following conditions:

. Each application costs 20,00€;

. Each project submitted will be considered a single application;

. Each candidate can submit a maximum of 3 photobooks, that will be considered as 3 separate applications;

. The deadline for the open call is 30 June 2024;

. The books submitted in the application must be sent by 30  July 2024.


The projects will be analyzed and evaluated by an invited jury specialized and with vast experience in this field, both national and international. This evaluation will take place in person during the festival's inaugural weekend, between 20 and 22 September 2024.

However, all the materials requested by the platform (images, pdf of the book, synopsis, bibliography/curriculum) must be submitted so that the jury can make an initial online viewing.


All the books sent and submitted will be presented at a collective exhibition, which will take place between 20 September and 3 November 2024 in Braga, Portugal, as part of the 34th edition of the festival, as well as being presented and announced on the festival's website and its various communication channels.

The jury will evaluate all the books and select a winning project which will be awarded with a cash prize of 1.000€, and if it deems it appropriate, honorable mentions.


Authors must send their candidate book by 30 July 2024 in order to be considered for the prize. If the book arrives after this date, the packaging must bear the postmark or stamp from before this date.

The package should be sent to the following address:

Encontros da Imagem - Festival de Fotografia e Artes Visuais

Photobook Award EI.2023

A/C: Carla Bacelar Ferreira / Noora Manty

Largo da Estação, 40 - Salas 5 e 6

4700-223 Braga


Please label the packaging with the message:


If the package is held up at customs, the applicant must take responsibility for the customs clearance costs.


The winning project and any honorable mentions will not be returned, but will be incorporated into the Carlos Fontes Library at Galeria da Estação - Encontros da Imagem for public consultation.

All other applicants must indicate in writing whether they will donate their book to the library or return it. If the author chooses to return the book, in addition to this, the package must contain documentation and packaging for the return, and the author will be responsible for the cost of it.


The images sent with the application may be used by the festival to promote the exhibition and the activities involving the award.

In the future, the different materials - images/videos and books - may be used for communication and exhibitions (individual or collective), within the scope of the festival or in partnership with similar institutions, in this case, the artists will always be contacted beforehand.

Authors take full credit and responsibility for the authorship of the images/work presented.


By applying the applicant is agreeing to the terms & conditions mentioned above.

Any doubts and omitted issues in this regulation shall be addressed to and by the festivals team via the following email:

eibooks@encontrosdaimagem.com .

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.

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