M is M: What’s Your M Moment?
M is M: What’s Your M Moment?
M is M: What’s Your M Moment?

By clicking "Start Submission", you agree to be contacted by the host regarding this opportunity.

Start submission

By clicking "Start Submission", you agree to be contacted by the host regarding this opportunity.

1. General

These terms and conditions (hereinafter “Terms and Conditions”)govern the participation in the photography call organised by Leica Camera AG, Am Leitz-Park 5, 35578 Wetzlar, Germany (hereinafter jointly referred to as "Leica") for the program called the “M is M: What’s Your M Moment?” (hereinafter referred to as the "Call"), which is going to be granted to photographers by an international jury. The Call can be won by a photographer and will materialise in the form of an incorporation in a future wave of Leica’s global campaign “M is M”.

The winning photographer of the Call will be selected among the participants that have timely submitted their work according to these Terms and Conditions.

2. Submission of the work

Photographers are invited to use the platform of the Call hosted by Picter Gmbh, Halle A Hans-Preißinger-Str. 8 81379 Munich Germany hereinafter “Picter”) on behalf of Leica; and to submit their work.

When uploading the work and submitting his/her participation to the Call, the photographer will acknowledge and accept these Terms and Conditions by clicking the Accept T&C check box. In particular, the photographer is declaring the warranties as described in clause 7.

Changes to the uploaded work are not allowed.

3. Application period

The Work shall be uploaded to the platform and submitted between October 24th, 00:00 CETand December 8th, 2024, 23:59 CET.

4. Selection criteria

For a submission to be considered for the Call, it shall comply with the theme set forth for each category and have the qualities required to be included in the international campaign "M is M".

Exclusively submissions fulfilling the requirements contained in this section can be selected.

The Call

The submissions for the Call shall fulfill the selection criteria in its entirety, in particular following information must be submitted:

a. it shall be a photographic work on the theme: “M is M: What’s Your M Moment?…”

b. it shall be composed of a minimum 1 and maximum 3 still photographs,

c. it shall include a

  1. One word M descriptor that summarizes the subject or scene of the photograph or series, and

  2. a short biography of the photographer,

e. the photographs shall not be over altered, processed or manipulated, however modifications regarding color intensity and/or cropping are allowed,

f. it shall not have been awarded in any contest at the moment of the application and throughout the Call.

5. Qualification process

5.1 Pre-selection and shortlist

Approximately in November 2024, a pre-curation jury from Picter and Leica will select from all the works that fulfilled the Selection Criteria for the Call at its sole discretion, the best works presented and promulgate a shortlist.

The shortlist of the selected photographs (hereinafter referred to as the "Shortlist") will be presented to the final jury.

The Shortlist will be made public in Picter’s and/or Leica’s newsletters as well as on Picter’s and/or Leica’s social media channels. The photographers concerned will be able to claim to have been short-listed in the “M is M”.

5.2 Selected Leica “M is M” photographers

The photographers will be chosen out of the Shortlist by the final jury, approximately in February 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the “Selected Photographers”).

Such Selected Photographers may have their work included in a future wave of the Leica Campaign “M is M”, if they accept.

Except as otherwise agreed to in writing by Leica, neither a Selected Photographer nor any other Photographer (participant) shall be entitled to any fees or compensation in connection with their participation.

Leica reserves the right to forego inclusion of a Selected Photographer's submission in the “M is M” campaign in the event that Leica, in its sole discretion and at any time, determines that such Selected Photographer's submission violates applicable law or infringes, misappropriates, or otherwise violates any intellectual property rights or other rights of a third party (including any other participant) or deems the content offensive or inappropriate. Leica will endeavor to notify such Selected Photographer of any such circumstances as soon as reasonably practicable.

6. Information and retribution

The Selected Photographers of the “M is M” will be informed by telephone and/or email. They must keep this information confidential until official release by Leica.

The Selected Photographer of the Leica “M is M” will receive a Leica M11-P, additionally shortlisted individuals will receive a copy of the “70 years of M” hardcover book.

7. Warranties of the photographer

With my submission the photographer declares that

  • the photographer personally took the submitted photos,

  • the photographer is the sole copyright holder of the submitted photos or has been duly authorised by the copyright holder,

  • the submitted photos have not been manipulated or altered other than standard image optimizations such as color intensity or cropping,

  • no third party can assert any rights or objections in connection with a publication,

  • the photos, all materials submitted therewith, and the submission of the photos and such materials do not violate applicable law,

  • if the photos are submitted on behalf or in representation of a photographer by an authorized agent, the agent declares that the agent has been duly authorized by the photographer to accept the Terms and Conditions of Participation in his/her name. Likewise, the agent declares that the photographer fully accepts these Terms and Conditions.

Provided that the submitted work either is selected or belongs to the shortlisted works:

  • by request of Leica, the photos will be submitted in high resolution (1500px.) for the purpose of ensuring best reproduction quality (e.g. prints) and highest image quality for the platform on which they are being featured (e.g. Picter).

8. Indemnification

The photographer shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Leica and its officers, directors, managers, employees, agents, affiliates, successors, and permitted assigns (collectively, "Indemnified Party") against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, deficiencies, claims, actions, judgments, settlements, interest, awards, penalties, fines, costs, or expenses of whatever kind, including reasonable attorneys' fees, fees and the costs of enforcing any right to indemnification under this Agreement, and the cost of pursuing any insurance providers, incurred by Leica, arising out of or resulting from any claim of a third party (including any other participant) (i) arising out of or occurring in connection with negligence, willful misconduct, or breach of these Terms and Conditions of Participation; or (ii) that the submitted photos infringe, misappropriate, or otherwise violate any intellectual property rights or other rights of such third party.

9. Granting of rights

In the event that a work and photo is selected, the photographer grants Leica and third parties appointed by Leica, unlimited as to time and territory, an irrevocable, royalty-free, word-wide license:

  • to use the photos in any known format and in future known formats for press, marketing and communication purposes in connection with the “M is M” and/or Leica “M is M” Campaign and any activity planned either related to or in connection with them;

  • to use, display, publish, copy, reproduce, adaptor or project the photos in the context of the Leica M is M and/or Leica "M is M" Campaign and any associated activities including, but not limited to on Leica 's Websites and social media, in Leica Galleries, in Leica Stores, at photo festivals, etc.

  • to create the projection and to subsequently show the projection in the context of the Leica M is M and/or Leica “M is M” Campaign and activities worldwide thereafter, either through Leica Camera AG or through third parties (e.g. on Leica websites and social media, in Leica Galleries, Leica Stores, at photo festivals, etc.) and also on the Internet;

  • to publish the photos in the magazine LFI, specifying the Leica M is Mand in any associated online content (e.g. website and social media);

  • to print and curate the photos for exhibitions; and

  • to display the photos, or to have them displayed, within the scope of exhibitions, specifying the Leica M is M and/or Leica “M is M” Campaign.

Credit shall be given by stating either (i) the name, or, if applicable and upon explicit request, (ii) the pseudonym (artist's name) of the photographer.

Further and provided that the photos are selected for the Leica M is M Campaign, the photographer agrees and assigns all right, title and interest in and to the produced set of photos and images (e.g. prints, edited photos) of the photos to Leica and the photos thereby become part of the historical Leica archive dedicated to the culture of photography. Leica is not entitled to sell these photos without my formal prior consent or make any use other than that intended as part of the overall Leica M is M and/or Leica M is M Campaign, except as set forth above.

10. Further Assurances

The photographer agrees to execute any and all documents and instruments of transfer, assignment, assumption or novation and to perform such other acts as may be reasonably necessary or expedient to further the purposes of these Terms and Conditions of Participation and the transactions contemplated hereby.

11. Data Protection

Leica collects, processes, uses and stores the data stated by the photographers (participants) upon submission of the photo series for the duration of the Call, for implementing and managing the M is M. Neither Leica nor any third party will use such data for any further purposes without express consent of the photographers (participants).

In regard to the work selected or belonging to the shortlisted works either the (i) first and last name, or (ii) pseudonym (artist's name) will be stated, in connection with the Leica M is M and/or Leica “M is M” Campaign and/or the activities planned afterwards, including marketing, promotion and press material related thereto.

The photographers (participants) are free to delete their data until the termination of the application period according to clause 3, by withdrawal, thus withdrawing from the participation in the M is M.

All personal data of the participants are processed and used by Leica in compliance with the statutory regulations. Further information is provided in the Data Protection Regulations.

12. Miscellaneous

Any recourse to courts of law is excluded.

The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany are exclusively applicable.

Should individual provisions of these Terms and Conditions be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining Conditions of Participation shall remain unaffected thereby.

Leica may at any time change these Terms and Conditions without separate notification.

No part of these Terms and Conditions or the transactions contemplated hereby shall be construed as creating any employment or agency relationship or partnership between Leica and any participant or selected photographer.

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.


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