2024 Paris Photo–Aperture PhotoBook Awards
2024 Paris Photo–Aperture PhotoBook Awards
2024 Paris Photo–Aperture PhotoBook Awards
The Paris Photo–Aperture PhotoBook Awards celebrates the book's contribution to the evolving narrative of photography.


- A book in which the dominant content is photography, featuring the work of one (or more) photographer/artist,* produced in physical form, and available for purchase or distributed free of charge, whether via trade distribution, print on demand, a gallery or online outlet, or otherwise. ("Virtual" or electronic books that exist only in digital form are not eligible for entry at this time.) - A book that is the first by the given photographer/artist is eligible for entry, whether a first self-published book, a first limited-edition book, a first gallery-published collection, a first book made available by print on demand, or a first book published by a publisher for release in the book trade. A first book published by an established publisher is eligible for entry even if the photographer/artist previously released a self-published book or a limited-edition book for distribution outside the trade. However, once a photographer/artist has had a book published by a mainstream publisher in the book trade, a subsequent book (whether self-published or not) is not eligible for entry. - Books must be produced or published between September 9, 2023, and September 8, 2024. Books produced before September 8, 2024, but not due for release or publication until a later date in 2024, are also eligible. - Entries for this award may only be submitted by the photographer/artist, the publisher, or a third party acting with the consent of the photographer/artist.

Submission fee:

30 USD per project

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