World Report Award | Documenting Humanity 2025
World Report Award | Documenting Humanity 2025
World Report Award | Documenting Humanity 2025

By clicking "Start Submission", you agree to be contacted by the host regarding this opportunity.

Start submission

By clicking "Start Submission", you agree to be contacted by the host regarding this opportunity.

Verification process

The Festival of Ethical Photography staff will contact via email/phone the photographers who will be asked to providethe official jury with the RAW files, negative files, or scanned negatives.

If you don't have the RAW files, negative files or scanned negatives the jury will accept the JPG original files as recorded by the camera that must be sent by May 10, 2025.

If the requested file will not be sent by the due date the jury is entitled to eliminate the reportage from the shortlist.

Post production

Post-production is allowed as long as nothing is added or removed to and from the original RAW file. Image cropping is allowed.

Property of the images

The participant declares himself/herselfto be the author of the images presented, to own the rights of them and to be authorized to use all images of the people photographed in the reportage. The participant takes full responsibility for using the pictures sent to the award.

Rights to use the images of the SHORTLISTED photographers

Copyright and ownership of photographs remain with the photographers at all times.

All entrants agree to grant the Festival of Ethical Photography permission to use the images submitted for promotional and communication purposes with no time limits (online and offline material, social networks, newsletter, screenings, etc).The Festival will always note the credits of the photographer. All rights will remain with the photographer.

Rights to use the images of the WINNERS

The photographer grants the use of the images of the awarded reportage for the creation of an exhibition that will be shown during the Festival of Ethical Photography 2025 (the organization of the Festival reserves the right to exhibit a lower number of images compared to the original submission for the contest due to space issues in some of the locations designated for the exhibition of the award).

At the discretion of the organization, the exhibitions of the winners (or a reproduction of the same exhibits, also in other formats and size) can be held in other locations in Italy and abroad until the 31st of December 2029. After these dates, the photographer can ask the organization of the Festival to return the prints by post and the costs will be covered by the recipient.

The organizers reserve the right to use the images of the awarded reportage for the promotion of the Festival and communication purposes with no time limits (online and offline material, catalogue of the Festival, social networks, newsletter, screenings, etc). The Festival will always note the credits of the photographer. All rights will remain with the photographer.

Captions and texts

The captions and the story text must be complete and accurate, providing information about the subject photographed and the circumstances in which the photographs were taken. Omitting, disguising or misrepresenting the content is cause for disqualification.

In any case, the author relieves the Festival from all responsibilities related to the content of the work submitted.

If at any time after an award is announced a submission is found to have broken one or more rules, it can be disqualified.

Participation in the contest implies that all the World Report Award application requirements and submission guidelines have been fully read, understood, and accepted.


The Gruppo Fotografico Progetto Immagine, the association in charge of organizing the Festival, is a nonprofit entity and will grant the winners the prizes for every category according to budget availability and in any case not later than March 15th, 2026.

The organization declines any responsibility for damages to persons and things directly and indirectly caused by the activity of the award. The regulations of the World Report Award might change for reasons beyond the control of the organization.

It is possible to withdraw from the competition at any moment simply by sending an email to; the withdrawal from the competition does not imply the reimbursement of the participation fee.

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.

If you need further details, explore the FAQs to learn more about the prize. If you haven't found the answer to your question, do not hesitate to contact us

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