Celebrating Australia's Sports Women through the Power of Photography

Women Sport Australia (WSA) invites photographers of all levels to submit their best photographs capturing the power and beauty of Australian sportswomen. The Women in Sport Photo Action Awards (#WISPAA) aim to highlight the incredible achievements of women in sports and promote their visibility as role models and leaders.

Winners will receive prizes and the opportunity to have their work showcased in exhibitions and publications, helping to raise awareness and recognition of the incredible talent and achievements of Australian sportswomen.

Women Sport Australia (WSA) is a national organization committed to promoting and advancing the participation of women and girls in sports, as well as advocating for gender equity and inclusivity in the sports industry.

To enter, simply submit your photographs through our online platform, ensuring they meet the required specifications and follow the guidelines outlined in the submission criteria. The judging criteria will focus on originality, composition, technical skills, and how well the photograph captures the essence and spirit of Australian sportswomen.

Join us in celebrating and promoting the incredible accomplishments and contributions of Australian sportswomen through the power of photography.

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.

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