Snap Collective is an innovative and unconventional publishing concept. We publish high quality art books without financial participation of the artist.
SNAP COLLECTIVE is dedicated to supporting artists and helping them realize their dreams by making art book publishing accessible while giving artists complete creative freedom to design their books. We offer access to a streamlined platform with the best printing partners, distribution through Shopify and experts who can edit, design and help market the book.
Before publishing a book, it is important to test the market. That is why we start with the design of the cover and present it to the public in the form of a preorder campaign.
During the pre-order campaign, the book can be ordered for 2 weeks for 79 EUR. After that, the price will change to 89 EUR. Once the campaign reaches at least 25 orders, it will be considered successful. Then the inside layout of the book will be created and it can be published.
All other jury selected projects will be also offered a publishing possibility.
By submitting required information and sample images 10-15
Snap Collective is an innovative and unconventional publishing concept. We publish high quality art books without financial participation of the artist. Snap Collective has successfully collaborated with over 220 artists from around the world and published their art books in the last 2 years alone.
Artistic, good quality photographs or artwork (photos), that are cohesive as a project. We do not accept any AI generated work.
All work must be original and owned by the artist. (also something about no offensive art and nothing that breaks any laws)