ProfiFoto New Talent Award 24/2
ProfiFoto New Talent Award 24/2
ProfiFoto New Talent Award 24/2
Open call


With the support of the NEW TALENT AWARD, photographers can turn their "images in their imagination" into reality. The search is not for finished projects on a given theme, but for image ideas that arouse curiosity for more. All winning entries will be published by the German photographers magazine ProfiFoto and will be part of a group exhibtion.

The following documents must be submitted:

  • An informal description or concept of the project (no more than 2,000 characters)
  • Five to a maximum of ten photographs as examples of the individual visual language. The awarded photography projects must be finished within eight weeks of the announcement of the jury's decision. Exceptions are only possible after consultation with the organizer.
  • The contest is all about lens-based photography. AI-generated images must always be labelled accordingly and should only be used to illustrate the idea behind the project.

The prizes

A jury of experts will award prizes to five photography projects. The jury will also select the three best works from the total of ten winning works in the two competitions of each year. These will receive cash prizes totaling 3,000 euros (1st place 1,500 euros, 2nd place 1,000 euros, 3rd place 500 euros). All winning entries will be published in ProfiFoto and be part of group exhibitions.


Part of the Jury are editors of ProfiFoto magazine as well as representatives of Canon, WhiteWall and laif foundation, as well as independent photo curators.


  • Participants must own all rights to the submitted images.
  • The organizers reserve the right to reject entries that violate ethical or moral standards. By registering, participants affirm that they are the sole authors of the submitted conception, that they may freely dispose of the presented works and existing rights of use thereto, and that the images are free of third-party rights.
  • The submitted concepts and photographs may be used for the competition and its journalistic evaluation. The organizers have the right to exhibit the projects selected by the jury for this purpose and the works implemented with the help of the prize, as well as to publish them in the context of the journalistic evaluation.
  • For the use of the photographic projects realized within the framework of the competition and their journalistic evaluation, the participants cannot claim a usage fee

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.

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