Preus museum - Ruptures
Preus museum - Ruptures
Preus museum - Ruptures
Show us projects that problematize what is difficult, but that also attempt to look at the opportunities that exist in this time of upheaval.

Announcement of shortlisted entries

The shortlisted entries will be announced in August 2024 and all submitting artists will be notified.


The shortlisted entries will be exhibited at Oslo Negativ Photo Festival 2024.

Curation of shortlisted entries

Oslo Negativ Photo Festival 2024 is situated in Oslo and this year the venue is an old veterinary college. This is a building with a lot of character and history, something which provides an exciting backdrop. Curating an exhibition within this venue is however challenging and Preus Museum is dependent on having creative freedom to freely curate the Open Call exhibition.

Production of the exhibition and production costs

Preus Museum will produce the exhibition at Oslo Negativ Photo Festival 2024 in October. The production costs will be covered by the Preus Museum. If a shortlisted artist wishes to produce their own work Preus Museum will only be able to make a contribution towards the production costs and shipment of the work.


The winning submission will receive a cash prize of 15.000 NOK and will be offered a place in the collection of Preus Museum. The winner will also be given the opportunity to have a solo exhibition at Oslo Negativ Photo Festival 2025. Preus Museum covers the production costs of the solo exhibition at Oslo Negativ Photo Festival 2025 with a price cap set to 10.000 NOK. Preus Museum will curate the solo exhibition at Oslo Negativ Photo Festival 2025 in dialogue with the winner.

Who hosts this contest: Preus Museum -- Norway's national museum of photography in collaboration with Oslo Negativ Photo Festival. 

Image use

The images that are part of the selected work can be used by Preus Museum and Oslo Negativ Photo Festival to promote the exhibition, festival, and activities in it. All the images that are used will be credited.


Preus Museum Open Call reserves complete creative control over the exhibition's design. More about the venue and the exhibition design will be published here:

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.

Pål Henrik Ekern +47 47 39 22 39

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