PHOTO 2026 Open Call
PHOTO 2026 Open Call
PHOTO 2026 Open Call
Submit your work to be exhibited at PHOTO 2026, “Australia’s most prestigious photography festival” (British Journal of Photography). Applications are invited from emerging, mid-career and established artists and photographers worldwide.

Application Guidelines

FESTIVAL THEME – All projects submitted must respond to the theme 'Show Me Love'.

GENERAL ­– Proposed images must be suitable for display in a public setting. The festival welcomes applications for all kinds of photographic projects.

STYLE OF WORK – Any style of photography can be submitted. Proposals for single or multiple image works are welcome.

AI GENERATED IMAGES – If AI technology is used to produce the artwork, this must be clearly stated in the artist statement and details provided.

PAYMENT – payment of $45 AUD must be made at time of submission (this fee is waived for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and Australian welfare recipients).

IP RIGHTS – all material submitted during the Open Call is the intellectual property of the applicant.

Proposed works and ideas must only contain original ideas that do not infringe the copyright, moral rights or other right of any third party.

SELECTION PROCESS – all applicants will be reviewed in line with PHOTO Australia's curatorial policy. Works must be suitable for the public realm.

LICENSE – Successful applicants agree to grant PHOTO Australia a licence to exhibit the work at PHOTO 2026.

OUTCOMES – PHOTO Australia curators will consult successful artists on the presentation of their work. All successful artists will be paid an artist fee which will be determined by PHOTO Australia.

We are unable to offer feedback for unsuccessful applications and all decisions are final.

CONCLUSION – By applying, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined above.

Please contact for further information.

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.

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