Fotofestiwal is a space for presentation and discussion on society, environment and photography itself. But first of all, invariably, it is a vivid place for meeting, sharing and exchanging.

By clicking "Start Submission", you agree to be contacted by the host regarding this opportunity.

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By clicking "Start Submission", you agree to be contacted by the host regarding this opportunity.

§ 1 General provisions

  1. These rules define the terms and conditions of participation in the Fotofestiwal Open Call 2025 contest (hereinbelow: the Contest).

  2. The Contest is organized by Fundacja Edukacji Wizualnej, ul. Tymienieckiego 3, 90-365 Łódź, entered into the National Court Register held by the District Court for Łódź-Śródmieście, XX Economic Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000155981, tax number [NIP]: 982-03-06-234, and the National Business Registry [REGON] Number: 473145380

  3. Participation in the Contest is subject to a registration fee.

  4. The aim of the Contest is to select the six most interesting projects, which shall be presented in the Open Call Programme of the 24. International Festival of Photography in Łódź: Fotofestiwal 2025 (organized by Fundacja Edukacji Wizualnej).

§ 2 Terms of participation in the Contest

  1. The Contest is open to everybody. All the photographers are welcome to send their works.

  2. There are no restrictions concerning the subject, technique or quantity of works.

  3. One project authored by a Participant of the Contest can be registered as one submission.

  4. Projects authored by duets or collectives can also be submitted (group curator exhibitions shall not be taken into consideration).

  5. Each participant can submit maximum two projects, and for each submitted project EUR 15 shall be paid.

  6. Works included in the Project should be authored by the submitting person or persons in the case of duets and collectives, by no means can they be encumbered with third-party rights.

  7. Each participant of the Contest agrees to the Organizer using their e-mail address for information purposes (Newsletter).

  8. Participation in the Contest is understood as accepting its rules.

  9. Submitting the Project:

    • Projects should be submitted by 24.11.2024

    • Project should be submitted on (

    • The participant shall follow the process of registration according to the form on the website. Information concerning the participant and their project included in the form should be as precise as possible.

    • Participant has a right to receive a VAT invoice, as long as they e-mail the necessary data to

    • Submissions can be edited on after the registration has ended, but no later than by 24.11.2024

NOTE! You can take part in the Contest free of charge. Such applications shall be taken into consideration only after providing proper argumentation. For further information please contact

§ 3 Evaluation of projects and prizes

  1. The deadline for submissions is 24.11.2024

  2. Evaluation of projects shall be conducted by the Jury appointed by the Organizer.

  3. Names of the Jury members shall be announced by 3.10.2024 on .

  4. Decisions of the Jury are final and non-appealable.

  5. The Jury will not be obliged to justify their decisions or provide information on the course of deliberations.

  6. From the projects proposed by Participants Jury will select 6 Finalists of the Contest.

Projects of the Finalists of the Contests shall be presented during the exhibition within the 24. International Festival of Photography in Łódź - Fotofestiwal 2025.

Organization of the Finalists' exhibition by the Organizer shall include:

  • Artistic fee 400 euro,
  • Accommodation for main opening weekend of the festival,
  • Reimbursement of travel costs up to 300 euro,
  • Exhibition production budget 500 euro.

Decisions concerning organisation of the exhibition shall be stated in agreements signed by the Organizer and Finalists of the Contest after determining the Contest results.

The Organizer does not foresee additional remuneration connected with organizing the exhibition.

The income obtained from the monetary award in the Contest (as referred to in point a) is subject to the flat-rate taxation in the amount of 10% of the monetary award value. An additional benefit in the amount of 11.11% of the monetary award's gross value shall be added to the monetary award. The flat-rate tax shall be paid by the Organizer of the Contest.

The Organizer of the Contest has a right to deduct the amount of flat-rate tax from the amount of the additional benefit.

§ 4 Final provisions

  1. Submissions that do not comply with the rules shall not be taken into consideration.

  2. Announcements and information concerning the Contest will be published on on December 23, 2024

  3. All correspondence and questions concerning the Contest should be sent via e-mail to:

  4. Contest schedule:

  • announcement of the Contest: 03.10.2024
  • deadline for submissions: 24.11.2024
  • informing the Participants about the results by 23.12.2024
  1. The Organizer reserves the right to stop, change or prolong the Contest in the case of some reasons beyond their control.

  2. The Organizer has a right to cancel the Contest without giving any reason and to not select the winner.

  3. Persons who do not meet any of the requirements stated in these Rules or provide false information shall be automatically eliminated from the Contest.

  4. Entering the Contest by a participant (submitting the Project) is equivalent with accepting the content of these Rules.

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.

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