OD Photo Prize 2024
OD Photo Prize 2024
OD Photo Prize 2024
An annual prize devoted to discovering and nurturing the next generation of photographic artists.

By clicking "Start Submission", you agree to be contacted by the host regarding this opportunity.

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By clicking "Start Submission", you agree to be contacted by the host regarding this opportunity.

OD Photo Prize 2024 is open internationally to all artists working with photography. The selection process for the prize is based on a body of work, and is judged on the excellence, context and quality of the work submitted.

The organisers, Open Doors Gallery, will do a preliminary selection of entries. All submissions will be reviewed to ensure they adhere to the guidelines and terms & conditions of the prize.

Artists selected for exhibition will not incur any additional costs or hidden fees. There is a budget for the exhibition in November, which will be spread across all of the finalists. Open Doors Gallery is flexible and will liaise with each artist on a case by case basis. Due to the breadth and scope of this prize, the gallery acknowledges varying display strategies may be required. Artworks selected for exhibition will be viewable by the public and available for sale through Open Doors Gallery (unless otherwise stated and agreed by the entrant).

The awardees will be announced in September 2024 (Dates TBC).

Entry Rules:

  • £15 entry fee  [Approx. $19USD]

  • Artists submitting must be working within the first 10 years of starting their practise

  • Submissions must be in project form

  • Consisting of between 6 – 15 images

  • Images must be provided in JPG or TIFF format

  • Submission process must be via the Picter platform

Submissions open 17 June – 28 July, 2024

2024 Judging Process:

All judging will be carried out individually online by each Juror through the Picter platform. Each member of this year's jury is encouraged to spend time on each submission, reading the accompanying texts and exploring the images. All eight Juror's take part in this judging process. Points are awarded to each submission from a 0---5 star rating. Juror's are looking for overall excellence including thoughtful, concise context and of course strong aesthetic qualities. This process can take some weeks to finalise the shortlisted artists.

The accumulation of points will determine the Grand Prize Winner, 2 x Runners-Up as well as the selection of Shortlisted Artists. The x8 Jurors Picks are selected by each Jury member based on their voting and further discussions with Open Doors Gallery. The Metro Imaging Mentorship Award is selected annually by Professor Steve MacLeod from the Longlist provided to him.

Open Doors Gallery reserves the right to select which artworks are included in the OD Photo Prize exhibition and to not include some entries at its discretion. The decision of the Juror's panel and Open Doors Gallery is final and they are not obliged to enter into further discussions with unsuccessful applicants.

Through submitting your work to OD Photo Prize 2024, you give permission to Open Doors Gallery to highlight your entry online and on social media platforms. Only selected applications will be highlighted by Open Doors Gallery across social media platforms and the website. Please note that if your work is shared on any Open Doors Gallery platforms this does not mean that your work has or has not been selected for OD Photo Prize 2024 as successful applicants will be determined later (September 2024) after the works have been seen by the Jury.

Photographs and documentation of your entry may appear in Open Doors Gallery press and third-party documentation of OD Photo Prize 2024. All work remains the sole copyright of the entrant. By taking part in the open submission you agree for Picter to share your email with us, including promotional usage.

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.

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