Nikon Fotobus Grant
Nikon Fotobus Grant
Nikon Fotobus Grant
The Nikon Fotobus Grant supports your photographic project.

1. Eligibility

All photographers who, at the time of submission, are either enrolled in a full-time university program in Germany, Austria or Switzerland or are not older than 30 years and reside in Germany, Austria or Switzerland are eligible to participate. The nationalities of the applicants are not relevant. Group projects of two or more photographers are permitted, but all members of the group must meet the eligibility requirements.

Individuals may submit only one application, but may additionally participate in a group application. The same project may be submitted again the following year if it has not yet received funding from the Nikon Fotobus Grant. The copyright to the images remains with the applicant(s). The pictures of the funded projects may be used in connection with the Nikon Fotobus Grant, e.g. to advertise the Nikon Fotobus Grant in the following year.

2. Application

The application deadline is November 1, 2023 at 11:59 pm Berlin time. The application is free of charge, exclusively via Picter and consists of a project description, a maximum of 40 images in total and a biography.

a) Project description

A description in English or German of the photographic project to be implemented with the help of the Nikon Fotobus Grant with a maximum of 3,000 characters. We recommend a compact and precise project description. You can propose a completely new project or the continuation of a project you have already started. All genres of photography are welcome.

Questions that should be answered:

  • What is your project about?

  • What photographic method of working will be used?

  • What genre of photography is the work most closely associated with?

  • In what ways are you or your group particularly suited to create this project?

  • What social contribution could the project make?

  • How will the grant money be used?

b) Pictures

  • An overall maximum of 40 images from a maximum of two projects may be submitted.
  • Project 1: a maximum of 20 images from a completed project
  • Project 2: a maximum of 20 images from an unfinished project to be continued with the help of the Nikon Fotobus Grant

Applications with only one project are permitted. It must be made clear at the beginning of the project description whether it is a completed project or an unfinished project to be continued with the help of the Nikon Fotobus Grant. The format and length of the captions can be chosen by the applicant. The quality of the selection and sequence of images is part of the jury's review.

The copyright of all submitted images must be held by the applicant(s). We support photography only. AI-generated images are therefore not permitted. Image manipulation and staging are permitted, e.g. in conceptual works, but must be made transparent in the captions. Applicants accept the Code of Ethics of World Press Photo.

c) Biography

A biography in German or English with a maximum of 1,500 characters.

3. Funding

Funding is provided for the creation of a photographic project. A total of three project grants will be awarded, for 5,000 euros, 3,000 euros and 2,000 euros. Each of the three supported projects will receive a Nikon Kit Z f + 40 SE. The total amount of the grant will be paid out immediately after the announcement of the winners. There are no requirements for the use of the grant.

The winners of the Nikon Fotobus Grant are obliged to submit a final report at the end of the funding period of one year, which includes the new images of the funded project and a description of the use of the funding. The Nikon Fotobus Grant winners also agree to mention the Nikon Fotobus Grant in future publications of the funded projects in publications, books, online media, exhibitions etc.

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.

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