Mindful Calm
Mindful Calm
Mindful Calm
Can you create imagery to induce a mindful calm within the viewer?

Winners announcement

Thank you for joining our briefing 'mindful calm'.

We very much enjoyed reviewing this project and seeing the incredible variety of styles, genres and unique approaches to the creative question.  We received diverse works from over 24 countries and creatives ranged from 21 to 78 years of age.

The jury have reviewed and deliberated over the collective work and made their decisions independently. Using a scoring system we have arrived at the following winners.

We offer our congratulations to Oleksandr Galeta who takes the first place award of $200 for ‘Rest on a cloud’.

In second place, is Matthias Krispien and for the work ‘Just a flap of wings’. Prize of $50.

Due to the New Year public holiday, winners should expect to be contacted from January 2nd so we may arrange prize payments.

Other works of note will be published on our website and social media with full creator accreditation soon.

We hope you enjoyed this briefing and that you will join us for the next one launching in January.

Tom and Phil Creative Stake

Rest on a cloud by Oleksandr Galeta
Rest on a cloud by Oleksandr Galeta
First place winner $200
Just a flap of wings by Matthias Krispien
Just a flap of wings by Matthias Krispien
Second place winner $50

Mindful calm

Becoming more mindful andseeking a calm state, especially to achieve better, regenerative sleep has become a key goal of many. Can you create imagery to induce a mindful calm within the viewer?  

Brief intro

The era of all-hours work is fading away, as younger generations prioritize hard work without compromising their long-term well-being. But, despite our efforts, screens have become an integral part of daily life, bombarding us with constant stimuli from communication, games, films/TV, and social media.

Recognizing the need for a reprieve, there is a growing interest in purposeful imagery and videos that promote tranquillity. Longform YouTube videos now feature serene scenes, 'Lofi Girl' music streaming is accompanied with imagery of a person engaged in quiet work, and 3D environments transport viewers to peaceful architectural spaces contrasting the harsh weather outside. Innovative apps and software minimize screen clutter and notifications, enabling individuals to write or create in a focused and visually distraction-free environment.

The task is to create still images that serve as a deliberate source of calmness and mindfulness. Consider the tones, colours, subjects, and visual effects that can induce tranquillity, mindfulness, or may even aid in sleep preparation.

This challenge goes beyond typical nature photography (unless it has a unique approach) it involves placing the viewer in a state of calm. Will you adopt a scientific approach, leveraging cognitive triggers in the eyes and mind, consider colour theory, pattern, or will you provide a soothing narrative or story through your image? Explore creative avenues to evoke a sense of peace and serenity.

About Us:

Creative Stake. We specialize in delivering engaging creative briefs with agile timeframes, swift judgement periods and rapid winner payments. Learn more www.creativestake.com

Judging Criteria

  • The quality and craft used to produce the work.

  • The composition and subjective 'calming' nature.

  • The creative and unique way the brief subject matter is responded to - either via a visual technique, visual narrative, or combination.

The Creative Stakes team will shortlist the top 10 entries and the judging panel will select the final winners.


The top 10 entries will be promoted and credited on our site, Picter and via social media.

First prize USD $200

Second place USD $50

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.

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