GESTE Paris 2022 - Meta_Contra_Verse
GESTE Paris 2022 - Meta_Contra_Verse
GESTE Paris 2022 - Meta_Contra_Verse
GESTE Paris invites submissions for its sixth edition: Meta_Contra_Verse. GESTE Paris is committed to experimental processes and includes image-based and digital artworks from outside the normal bounds of photography.
  1. The entrant represents and warrants that the submitted works are their own original creations for which they own the copyright.

  2. Submissions must be in English or French.

  3. All submissions must be made via and any unsolicited digital submissions will not be considered and any unsolicited physical submissions will not be returned.

  4. All selected winning submissions will be included in the exhibition to take place in Paris in October and November 2022.

  5. Winning Digital works will be displayed on screens or projections following consultation with the artist about format etc. For physical works, after consultation with the winning entrants GESTE Paris will pay the reasonable costs for high quality digital printing and exhibition framing up to 70x50 cm. Otherwise entrants may provide their own prints if they wish, subject to agreement with GESTE Paris and agreement over sharing of any exceptional costs (such as international shipping, large works, framed works, return of works etc.).

  6. Included works will be made available for sale at a price to be mutually agreed between the entrant and GESTE Paris and the entrant will agree to a sales contract and commission agreement which is exclusive for the period of the physical and online exhibition and non-exclusive for a period after that. All sale proceeds, net of any applicable taxes and after any reasonable direct work specific and exhibition related expenses by either the entrant or GESTE Paris, will be divided equally.

  7. The winning entrants will grant a free non-exclusive license to allow their images to be used for exhibition publicity, marketing and a catalogue, both online and physical.

  8. Unsold works which were printed by GESTE Paris will be available unframed for collection in Paris or returned at the expense of the entrant.

  9. All short-listed submissions will be included in a digital screen presentation during the exhibition and the entrant will grant a free non-exclusive license to allow this to happen. Any entrant who does not want to be included in this presentation may opt out in writing.

  10. Submissions in the video and moving image category should be no more than 5 minutes in duration. Longer works should be edited to allow the jury to properly consider the works based on an extract or edited version. The jury will only watch the first 5 minutes of any submissions of a longer duration.

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us. or on our Instagram

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