© Adra Pallón
© Adra Pallón
Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Award 2024
Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Award 2024
Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Award

By clicking "Start Submission", you agree to be contacted by the host regarding this opportunity.

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By clicking "Start Submission", you agree to be contacted by the host regarding this opportunity.

28th LuisValtueña Award Open Call 2024

Terms and Conditions


Médicos del Mundo Spain announces the 28 th Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Award, aimed at recognizing and disseminating the best images that singularly demonstrate social inequities, injustices and / or human rights abuses, or the situations that either foster or fight them.

By giving this award the name of the photographer and international cooperant Luis Valtueña, we pay tribute to his memory, as well as to that of the three other cooperants of the association who were murdered in Rwanda (1997) and in Bosnia (1995) while carrying out their duties as humanitarian aid workers.

It is also our wish to highlight the human values they represent. The organization supports documentary photography and photojournalism as a means to raise awareness amongst the public concerning social issues, while also promoting citizen mobilization and contributing to the eradication of the worst disease: injustice.


  • Tuesday 9th july: Competition launches for entries

  • Friday 4 October 2024 at 23:59 h. (GMT+1): Competition closes for entries.

  • Friday, 11 October 2024: Rectification of errors

  • November 2024: Jury's decision

  • 2025: Award ceremony, exhibition opening and catalog  publication


Participation is open to photographers - professional or otherwise - as well as to collectives of two or more members, of any nationality, over 18 years of age and with a documentary and/or photojournalistic approach, in accordance with the terms set out in these rules.

The competition is not open to Médicos del Mundo España staff or their relatives up to the first degree of consanguinity. Neither can those who are members of the jury, nor the technical team directly linked to the management of the competition, nor their family members up to the first degree of consanguinity.

The competition is free of charge.


The photographs submitted must tell a story related to one of the following themes: health, natural disasters, humanitarian action, international cooperation, social exclusion, human rights violations, armed conflicts, vulnerable groups, refugees and/or migrant populations.

Special attention will be paid to those stories of interest that are not sufficiently covered or disseminated or are little known, in order to contribute to their dissemination and reflection.

Entry forms

Each participant may submit only one application to this call. The documentation may be completed in Spanish, English or French.

Entries must be submitted exclusively in digital format via the Picter website, following the on-screen instructions carefully:


Each entrant must submit the following documentation:

  • Personal and contact details.

  • Biography

  • A photographic series of between 5 (minimum) and 10 (maximum) images, in colour or black and white.

  • Project description presented.

  • Captions of the images. Each caption must contain the information of the image it accompanies. Under no circumstances may all the captions of the same series be the same.

Important: The author's name must not appear in the description of the project, in the captions or in the name of the files.

Submission requirements

  • Participant(s) must be the author(s) of the pictures submitted in his/her/ their name.

  • At least 50% of the images must have been made between 2023 and 2024. Projects that have been submitted to previous editions of the Luis Valtueña Competition are not eligible.

  • All entries must be uploaded to the platform in the display order intended by their author. Pictures must be named with the series title and the corresponding order number (e.g., title_01), and must not show the name or logo of the photographer.

  • The images must be saved in digital JPEG format (*.jpg) with a minimum of 3000 pixels on its longest edge, and using the sRGB or grayscale Gamma 2.2 colour model are recommended. EXIF data / full metadata should be left on all images.

  • All entries should be no larger than 3 MB in file size. Only single frame images will be accepted. Photomontages and multiple exposures will be excluded from the competition. Nor may text be inserted in the photographs, neither as a caption nor as an element added to the image.

  • Image manipulation of digital files or any kind of Photoshop effects are not permitted. Only basic colour corrections that do not alter the content are permitted.

  • Under no circumstances will AI-generated images be accepted. A photograph captures light on a sensor or film, it is a record of a physical moment.

  • In case of doubt regarding a possible digital manipulation of the image beyond the terms and conditions of this competition, the organization reserves the right to request the entrants the original, unedited (RAW) file of the photograph - as it was recorded by the camera -, or a scanned, unedited copy, print original negative, or slide copy.

*Winning and shortlisted entrants must be prepared to submit their images in high resolution (300 dpi) for the proper printing of copies.

Submission deadline

The deadline for applications is Friday 4 October 2024 at 23:59 h. (GMT+1). The application must have been submitted no later than the date and time indicated above.

If the application contains errors that can be corrected, Médicos del Mundo will inform the participant so that, within two working days of this communication, the corresponding correction can be made. Those who fail to rectify these errors within the period indicated will be definitively excluded from the call for applications.

Selection process and jury decision

A pre-selection committee from Médicos del Mundo will review all the applications and select the most suitable ones to present to the jury. This will be done on the basis of compliance with the rules. However, the jury members will have access to the documentation of all applications.

An international jury, made up of leading professionals from the world of photography and a representative of Médicos del Mundo, will choose the winning series in November 2024 and may select up to three finalists.

The jury's decision will be taken by a simple majority of its members and will be final. The award may be declared void if none of the candidatures is judged to be of an adequate standard. All entries will be judged anonymously, using blind jury method.

Winners and shortlisted entrants will be notified directly of the jury's decision. The notification will be made by phone and by email, according to the data provided in the entry form. It will then be announced on the Luis Valtueña Award and Médicos del Mundo websites and social media profiles. A press release will also be sent to the media.

Prize and benefits

The winner of the prize will receive a gross amount of €6,000 (to which the corresponding withholding will be applied, depending on the taxation of the country of residence and the situation of the beneficiary).

In addition, winning and finalists series will be included in the catalogue and in the collective

and itinerant exhibition that Médicos del Mundo Spain shall produce or host. The organization will cover the travel and lodging for two consecutive nights of the chosen entrants to attend the award ceremony and inauguration of the exhibition in Madrid, scheduled for January 2025.

The authors must be available, to the extent of their possibilities, to attend to the media and guests with guided tours of the exhibition on the opening day. In addition, Médicos del Mundo may invite them to participate in educational or awareness-raising activities organized within the framework of the Luis Valtueña Award.

Médicos del Mundo is committed to widely promoting the chosen images and their authors for at least one year through press releases, meetings with the media, and ad- hoc dissemination materials, among other forms.

Tax obligations

All taxes levied on the prize are to be borne by the beneficiary, in accordance with current Spanish regulations. The competition prize will be subject to withholding of PIT or IRNR. Médicos del Mundo shall withhold that amount in such a case.

The recipient of the prize shall be accountable for any other tax liabilities resulting from receiving the prize. Médicos del Mundo is exonerated of any responsibility in this regard.

Acceptance of the terms and conditions

Participation in the 28th Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Award call for entries implies full acceptance of these legal conditions and the explicit waiver of any subsequent claim.

Médicos del Mundo reserves the right to postpone, shorten, extend, modify, suspend or cancel the competition if necessary, without this implying any liability for the organisers, who in any case will give formal notice.


The photo series must be an original one by the candidate, who guarantees that he or she is the sole owner and author of each entry with full and unlimited rights over it.

Médicos del Mundo acknowledges that the author of the images submitted will retain full ownership of the copyright of those images.

Third party rights

The entrant must comply with current intellectual property laws and the right to self- image, responsibly declaring that the dissemination or reproduction of the work in all media and formats determined by Médicos del Mundo, for the promotion of the competition itself and / or the educational and awareness projects, will not harm or infringe on any right of the entrant or third parties.

For these purposes, the authors are responsible to Médicos del Mundo for all pecuniary charges that may arise for Médicos del Mundo, in favour of third parties, due to actions, claims or conflicts arising from the violation of rights by the authors.

The participant also exempts Médicos del Mundo from any liability that may arise from non-compliance by third parties with the conditions of improper and unlawful use of the work submitted.

Exemption from liability

The entrant guarantees that the person(s) whose image is reproduced in the photograph(s) submitted to the competition have expressly and unequivocally consented to the capture of their image for the photograph(s), as well as for its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.

In the event that the person(s) appearing in the photograph(s) is (are) a minor, the participant guarantees that he/she has obtained the express and unequivocal consent of his/her mother/parent or guardian for the capture of his/her image for the photograph(s), as well as for its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.

The participant exempts Médicos del Mundo from any liability that may arise from non-compliance with the provisions of this section.

Rights and ownership

By accepting the terms and conditions of the competition, winning and shortlisted entrants agree to grant to Médicos del Mundo Spain and to Doctors of the World International Network a non-exclusive, worldwide license, without any remuneration being due, to use the images in any manner and media until the images become public property. Specifically, they grant the rights of reproduction, edition, distribution, public communication, and transformation, in any format or medium known or unknown at the present time, in the following terms:

  • Reproduction rights, for the sole purpose that Médicos del Mundo may use the images submitted to this competition in any communication, promotion and / or dissemination material related to the Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Competition, whether in physical or digital format (exhibitions, catalogue, brochures, posters, advertising, curriculum materials, Médicos del Mundo press releases, newsletters / magazines / reports, websites and profiles on Médicos del Mundo social networks and the Luis Valtueña Award). There will be no payable fees for any of the above uses.

  • The right of distribution, in order to disseminate the press, magazine and catalogue releases among the public, and also for the purpose of accompanying possible articles and / or reports in different media with the images - always citing their authorship.

  • The right of public communication, either in public exhibitions or making the images available, in order to exhibit the winning and shortlisted images, as well as the advertising posters indicated above, while allowing third parties access to the web sites mentioned above, respectively.

  • The right of transformation, for the purpose of adaptation and reproduction in other media.

Likewise, and for the same period of time, winning and shortlisted entrants grant Médicos del Mundo a non-exclusive, worldwide license to exploit the images that have as a basis the pre-existing images whose exploitation rights are granted in this competition.

Winning and shortlisted entrants expressly authorize Médicos del Mundo and its International Network to give up these rights to third parties, in order to fulfil their founding objectives and carry on the projects in which the association participates. For the purposes expressed herein, the entrant undertakes to sign the agreements that are necessary to give up the above-mentioned rights.

Image credit

Médicos del Mundo agrees to respect copyright and therefore, to always credit the author's name on all images used. However, failure to provide said credit will not be considered a breach, provided that Médicos del Mundo makes every effort to rectify said error within a reasonable period of time from the date of notification thereof.

Data protection

The present Terms and Conditions are governed by Spanish law. In accordance with the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the Organic Law 3/2018 on Personal Data Protection and its supplementary regulations, the participants are informed that Médicos del Mundo is responsible for the handing of the personal data provided in their application, including the e-mail address.

Your personal data will be stored for processing, in order to carry out the necessary actions for the management of participation requests, communications, awarding of prizes and resolution of the contest within the framework of this call. Médicos del Mundo Spain will also check that the entrants meet the requirements established in these terms and conditions to compete, and will ensure the possibility of contacting the entrants in the case of being awarded.

Your data will be processed and kept until the end of the contest.

The basis of legitimacy of this processing is based on the consent expressed in your application to participate in the contest.

Within the framework of the aforementioned processing, your data may not be disclosed or communicated to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so.

Once this purpose is fulfilled, entrants' personal data (full name and email) will be stored in a Médicos del Mundo file with the purpose of sending information about new calls for entry to the competition.

Data protection regulations permit entrants to exercise their right of access, rectification, opposition, deletion ("right to be forgotten"), limitation of treatment, portability and not to be the subject of individualized decisions at any time, by writing to Médicos del Mundo, C/ Conde de Vilches no 15, 28028 Madrid, Spain or by sending an e-mail to the following address: rgpd@medicosdelmundo.org, attaching the request with a document proving your identity.

Additional and detailed information about Médicos del Mundo's Privacy Policy can be found at the following link: https://www.medicosdelmundo.org/politica-de-privacidad.

Doubts in translation

In case of doubt about the interpretation of these general conditions, due to the different shades and meanings of the words in the different languages, Médicos del Mundo will choose the alternative that best coincides with the version in Spanish.

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.

+34 91 543 60 33


C/ Conde de Vilches, 15 28028, Madrid, Spain


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