The Ian Parry Photojournalism Grant 2024
The Ian Parry Photojournalism Grant 2024
The Ian Parry Photojournalism Grant 2024
Applications are now being accepted for the Ian Parry Photojournalism Grant 2024

By clicking "Start Submission", you agree to be contacted by the host regarding this opportunity.

Start submission

By clicking "Start Submission", you agree to be contacted by the host regarding this opportunity.

Terms and conditions

All entrants must attest and certify that they are the sole creators of any images they are entering and that said images have not been copied or digitally manipulated in any way.

All finalists must, when asked, provide a contact who will act as a guarantor and can verify that the work has been created by the finalist. This can be a tutor, a professional photographer or agency.

Failure to do so may disqualify the entrant.

Copyright holders retain copyright of their work. For awarded entries and honorable mentions, copyright holders grant The Ian Parry Photojournalism Grant the unlimited non-exclusive use of high-resolution photographs  for activities in all media, including social media, online and print, in relation to the contest, the exhibition, and all promotional and educational activities for and under the auspices of the The Ian Parry Photojournalism Grant, without any remuneration being due.

The copyright holders represent and warrant that submission of the entries does not breach any law, and further that no third party can hold any claims or any objections regarding the rights granted to the The Ian Parry Photojournalism Grant. The copyright holders will hold the The Ian Parry Photojournalism Grant harmless of any claims from third parties related hereto.

The Entry Rules and any dispute, proceedings or claim of whatever nature arising out of or in any way relating to the Entry Rules (including any non-contractual disputes or claims), shall be governed by U.K. law.

By winning the Ian Parry Photojournalism Grant, the recipients agree to give permission for a print to be made and given as part of the IPPG Guardian Angel and Patron scheme.

The conditions set out in the Entry Rules are binding, and The Ian Parry Photojournalism Grant reserves the right to refuse or exclude any entry at its own discretion. 

General entry rules

The Ian Parry Photojournalism Grant contest is open to young photographers up to and including the age of 24 or enrolled on a recognized full-time photographic course.

Every entrant may need to provide a document that confirms their date of birth and proof of the educational course they are attending. 

The photographer must be the author of the photographs submitted in their name.

All entries must have accurate captions and descriptions, written in English or translated using Google Translate or similar software. 

Each entry must include a detailed description (up to 1000 words) of the assignment you would like to undertake if a recipient of the grant and also a short summary of the project (up to 100 words)

All entries must comply with the code of ethics. Read the code of ethics in detail below.

Entries can only be submitted via Picter, the official contest entry platform.

Code of Ethics

Entrants to The Ian Parry Photojournalism Grant must ensure that all entered material has been created ethically and provides a fair representation of the stories and people photographed. Entrants must comply with the following code of ethics:

  1. Must be aware of the influence the photographer's presence can have on a scene they photograph.

  2. Must not intend to mislead by recreating or staging events. In certain cases, deliberate reenactments can be acceptable if they serve a clear purpose for the story and/or issue being documented, and the photographer must be transparent about their motivation and process. Any direct influence over the scene, such as reenactments or posed portraits, must be included in the captions.

  3. Must ensure that individuals and/or groups photographed are treated with dignity and respect, and that the photographer causes no physical and/or psychological harm.

  4. Must ensure that consent has been appropriately handled, with consideration for relevant local and international laws and for the ability of an individual to give informed consent, for example when working with vulnerable people and children. Consider whether individuals and/or groups are adequately informed about the potential use and distribution of photographs via the contest, and what impact that could have on them. Information about consent should be indicated in the caption.

  5. Consider whether measures need to be taken to protect identity especially when photographing vulnerable individuals and/or groups and children--either when photographing or in the caption.

  6. Must ensure that independence is upheld and must not pay individuals and/or groups for information or participation, or accept any form of compensation -- such as gifts, money or favors--from those who may seek to influence the story.

  7. Must ensure that the personal safety of everyone involved -- including the photographer, fixers and individuals and/or groups photographed -- is appropriately handled. Avoid taking unnecessary risks that can result in dangerous situations.

  8. Respect the work of other photographers and do not plagiarize. Consider whether work repeats well-known examples or is distinctive.

  9. Must ensure that the content and edit of photographs and stories present an accurate and comprehensive representation of individuals and/or groups. Consider whether graphic and violent photographs are appropriate for the story presented, especially when they involve vulnerable people.

  10. Avoid reinforcing stereotypes and be aware of biases that can result in misrepresentation.

  11. Ensure captions, and any other textual elements, are accurate.

  12. Must be open and transparent about the entire process through which their photographs are made, and are accountable to the Ian Parry Photojournalism Grant for their practice.

Ian Parry Photojournalism Grant code of ethics is in line with journalistic and documentary practices and standards. The organization reserves the right to seek clarification or explanation should concerns arise during or after the judging process.

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.

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