Flywheel Forum & Festival 2023
Flywheel Forum & Festival 2023
Flywheel Forum & Festival 2023
Showcasing the beauty of nature, climate change challenges, and solutions.


We're looking to to identify, support and amplify storytellers and their work that show us a world worth fighting for and that inspire us to act. You may show us beautiful, awe-inspiring images of animals, the environment, landscapes. You might show us how climate change is affecting the people and animals and environments. You might also show us images of how people are combating climate change with wonderful, innovative ideas.

Flywheel is a nonprofit reframing the climate change narrative through visual and audio storytelling.Our perspective is that the climate crisis transcends mere political, business, or scientific debates. It's a narrative often shaped by those with conflicting interests, not always aligned with public welfare. It's up to us to take the role of storytellers, to reshape this narrative with hope and collaboration, fostering positive change together.

We have over twenty years of experience in supporting photographers. From the FiftyCrows Foundation to National Geographic's All Roads to the Roam Awards to curating hundreds of exhibitions at galleries and museums around the world, we have supported countless photographers as they have gone on to tremendous achievements.

So whether, you are an enthusiast looking to take things to the next level, an emerging professional or an established professional, Flywheel is your opportunity to shine and gain incredible connections, support and community.

  • The international Jury includes world-renowned photographers.

  • The prize pool of $25,000 will be split among the winners from the various categories.

  • Your work will be published in Flywheel magazine.

  • Your work will be exhibited at the Flywheel Festival to some 5,000 attendees.

  • You will have workshops with the judges and other industry leaders.

  • You will participate in a two-day working session with the judges, thought leaders, nonprofit funders, publishers, and media professionals to collaborate on what new stories need to be told, how to get them funded, and how to distribute them widely.

If you are from a country with financial challenges and need assistance with the entry fee, please don't hesitate to contact us at We are committed to ensuring equal opportunities for participation from all people including those from The Majority World.

How it works

Identify yourself in a GROUP as either an ESTABLISHED or EMERGING PHOTOGRAPHER.


  2. Use IDENTIFIERS to refine your entry to a specific area within the natural world.

  3. You can enter a single image, a portfolio of images focused on a single subject, or a documentary photographic essay.

EXAMPLE: an EMERGING PHOTOGRAPHER focused on the GRANDEUR of the AQUATIC LIFE will be judged with others entering the same. We believe this approach is the most just and fair.


ESTABLISHED PHOTOGRAPHER • Your work is known to a larger audience, including fellow photographers, curators, critics, and the general public. You have built a reputation over a significant period of time and are often associated with a distinct style or body of work.

EMERGING PHOTOGRAPHER • An emerging photographer is an individual who is in the early stages of their professional photography career, often showing promise and potential but not yet widely recognized or established in the industry


GRANDEUR • Capture the overwhelming beauty and wonder of the natural world, emphasizing its magnificence and significance in the face of climate change risks.

CAUSES • Explore and reveal the intricate forces driving climate change, including human activities, industrial pollution, and more. Use visual metaphors creatively to represent these complex concepts.

EFFECTS • Document the tangible impact of climate change on environments, communities, and life itself, from rising sea levels to extreme weather events. Highlight resilience, adaptation, and struggles.

SOLUTIONS • Showcase innovative and inspiring sustainability initiatives, emphasizing the human aspect behind them. Cover renewable energy, green architecture, and more, offering hope and practical solutions.

GEOGRAPHIC SPECIFIC • We encourage local storytellers to intimately capture climate change's impact on your region. Share your firsthand experiences, local beauty, and solutions, offering a unique perspective.


WINGS • Unveil the charm of these enchanting creatures, from soaring through the skies to the cozy comforts of home. This category also celebrates winged insects.

AQUATIC LIFE • Dive into a captivating world of aquatic creatures, including mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates like corals and jellyfish.

TERRESTRIAL LIFE • Explore land-dwelling creatures worldwide, from mammals to reptiles, amphibians, and non-flying insects. Capture their untamed spirit in various habitats.

LANDSCAPES & FLORA • Capture wild places through a unique perspective, from vast landscapes to hidden ecosystems within plants. Your lens paints a vivid tapestry of nature's grandeur.

HUMAN & ANIMAL • Explore the intricate interactions between humans and the natural world, from scientists' efforts to conservationists' dedication. Depict the impacts, positive and negative, humans have on the environment.

THE ART OF NATURE • Blur the boundaries between art and science, unveiling the hidden wonders of life in abstract and extraordinary forms. Explore unconventional angles, patterns, and the microcosmic world, including black and white photography.

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.

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