

issued for the Production of Artistic Work pursuant to Art. 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of Presidential Decree 430/2001



Deloitte Italy S.p.A., with headquarters in Via Tortona, 25 - Milan - VAT/TIN 04963170966 ("Deloitte Italy"), with the patronage of Fondazione Deloitte ETS ("Fondazione Deloitte", jointly with Deloitte Italy, "Deloitte"), with headquarters in Via Tortona, 25 - Milan - TIN 97735360154, in collaboration with Still Love Srl with headquarters in Corso Venezia, 24 - Milano – VAT/TIN 08017970966.


The Call for Submissions is divided into two categories:

  • NOMINATIONS SECTION: a group of 10 internationally renowned professionals in the field (the "Nominators" listed in art. 3 below) will propose photographic works by professional photographers;

  • OPEN CALL SECTION: open to amateur and professional photographers under the age of 35 at the time of submission.

Neither section is subject to geographical or academic restrictions, and no exclusions or other restrictions apply (e.g., language, race, religion, gender, etc.).

Deloitte wishes to be a promoter of tangible support for contemporary cultural production and to serve as an observatory of the emerging art scene.

Photography has come to play a focal and key role in today's artistic production. Artists are increasingly choosing it as the primary medium for their narratives. In its many different genres, it emerges as a universal language, becoming an account of current events, a narrative device, a way to describe the self and beyond the self, and an opportunity to engage with communities. The theme of the Call for Submissions is Possibilities. The concept of 'Possibilities' invites us to ponder the power of choices that we can each make, individually and as part of society and humanity as a whole. As single individuals we are faced with innumerable possibilities, some of which could change the course of our existence and determine our destiny. But mankind in itself is a stage of boundless possibilities. Throughout the centuries, we have been witness to an unending expansion of our knowledge, capabilities and aspirations. Yet this growth has also carried the weight of global responsibilities and challenges. The challenge for the participating photographers will be to urge us to consider the many directions we could each pursue in our lives. After all, every shot is in itself an open window towards a world of creative possibilities. Indeed, through the camera lens, one can capture both visible reality and the subtleties of human imagination. This Call for Submissions seeks to gather photographic contributions in which photographers provide their own interpretation, their own take on this concept.

The challenge is, therefore, to lend it substance, to portray it, to exemplify it, and to manifest it through an image-based narrative, through a tool that has always underpinned the narration of reality.

At the end of the submission period, a jury will select:

NOMINATIONS SECTION: the most deserving photographic work that will entitle the author to hold a solo exhibition, of up to 40 images, at the Mudec, Museo delle Culture in Milan in December 2024, accompanied by a catalogue published by the 24Ore Cultura group, and to receive a cash prize of €40,000 (before any taxes and/or withholding taxes, where applicable, which will in all cases be borne by the winner) intended to support contemporary photographic production.

OPEN CALL SECTION: the most deserving project idea will receive a mention in the Mudec exhibition dedicated to the winner of the NOMINATION SECTION and €20,000 (before any taxes and/or withholding tax where applicable, which shall in all cases be borne by the winner) towards executing his or her project idea. The result of this work will be an exhibition, of up to 30 works, during the next edition of the Award.

The above activity shall be understood to be exempt from regulations on prize-winning events as it comes under the exclusion hypothesis specified under art. 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of Presidential Decree no. 430/2001, and the "prize" awarded to the author of the winning work is in recognition of personal merit.


The Call for Submissions will be announced to the public as of 04/03/2024 and will be open from the same date under the following conditions:


  • By 30/05/2024: each of the 10 professional Nominators will be required to submit two photographic works, each by a photographer of their choice, and said photographers, also by 30/05/2024, will upload the required material to the dedicated web platform;

  • By 30/09/2024: a jury vote will select the winning entry.


  • By 30/06/2024: amateur and professional photographers below 35 years of age on the date of participation shall submit an idea related to the theme of the Call for Submissions; - By 30/09/2024: a jury vote will select the winning entry.

Works submitted for the call (see following paragraphs) must therefore be entered as of 04/03/2024 and no later than the deadline for each section.



Ten Nominators, i.e. prominent figures from the world of international cultural production, have been identified for this section (Luisa Bondoni, Paul Ninson, Menno Liauw, Gonzalo De Benito, Laura Sackett, Veronica Nicolardi, Roger Ballen, Francois Hebel, Pierre Andre Podbiesky, Toni Torinbert). They will each be asked to submit two works each by a professional photographer of their choice.

The professional photographers in question will be expected to produce an unpublished work featuring a photographic corpus of at least 25 images related to the theme of the Call for Submissions, i.e. a personal interpretation of the Possibilities theme.

Each photographic work must be submitted together with:

  • a motivational letter

  • the professional photographer's C.V.

  • an accompanying text by the Nominator, motivating the submission. The motivation text should be submitted as a Word document, with a maximum of 500 characters, excluding spaces.

The images that form the portfolio may address any topic, territory, people, situations; they can feature existing places, artificially recreated places, landscapes; they can be real or fictional, concrete or abstract. The images may also include people, providing that the author has obtained all the relevant authorisations and disclaimers required for participation. The images forming the portfolio must be consistent with the theme. Unpublished work is intended as work that has never been published and/or exhibited in a complete and definitive form (for example, but not limited to: a book cannot have been produced, and the corpus of images being submitted must include new images in addition to images that may have already been exhibited).

As of 04/03/2024, the Nominators shall select the photographic works of the two professional photographers they intend to nominate and send them the link to the dedicated form that the candidate photographers will use to upload their application, by 30/05/2024 at the latest, including all personal data and the required materials (photographic corpus of at least 25 images on the theme of the Call for Submissions, a motivational letter, their curriculum vitae and a text by their nominator) in the respective fields. Lastly, they shall agree to their personal data being processed for purposes related to participation in this call. Please note that as of 30/05/2024 the link will no longer be available.

Failure to upload all the required materials, failure to fill in all the required fields and failure to agree to the processing of data for purposes related to this call for submisisons will result in non participation.

Text files should be in .pdf format and images must have a minimum size of 1500 px on the longest side. Each uploaded file shall not exceed 2 MB.

Each Nominator shall submit two photographic works by two different photographers. Each photographer may only be nominated by one Nominator. Entries must be submitted within the deadline, failing which they will not be considered. Moreover, any submissions beyond the first two will not be accepted.

Entry is free of charge except for standard connection charges, i.e., charges levied by one's operator, without any further surcharges.

All the photographic works submitted by the Nominators will be eligible, provided that they are relevant and in keeping with the chosen theme, subject to verification that individual images are not contrary to common decency, do not violate the dignity of persons depicted or quoted, do not in any way promote products and/or brands, do not prejudice the image of any person, religion or religious order, including their symbols.

All applications will undergo a prior vetting as to the validity of participation requirements, subject matter, etc., and only those that are correctly submitted will be eligible for selection.


Entrants in the open call section (amateur and professional photographers under the age of 35 at the time of submission) will be expected to develop a project idea related to the theme of the Call for Submissions, which will be described in terms of both content and costs (budget).

In addition, they shall submit a portfolio of a maximum of 10 images of impressions both relating to the project or other works of their choice. The purpose of the portfolio is to display their skills.

The project idea relating to the theme of the Call for Submissions, together with a portfolio of a maximum of 10 images, must be accompanied by the following:

  • their curriculum vitae in pdf format

  • a profile photo

  • a reference letter written and signed by a leading personality from the field of photography, i.e. a curator, gallery owner, photo editor or museum director - the letter should be in pdf format The project idea must include a description of the project not exceeding 1,500 characters and a budget estimate for the project, also not exceeding 1,500 characters. Both must be entered into the appropriate fields of the entry form.

The images that make up the portfolio of 10 photos may either relate to the project idea itself (which thanks to the Award may be expanded and extended), or to other projects. Their purpose is to prove one's skills. The images may also feature people, provided that the author has obtained the relevant authorisations and disclaimers for such participation.

as of 04/03/2024 and no later than 30/06/2024, anyone eligible for the open call section shall access the website, complete the form with their personal data, complete the fields describing their project and estimated budget, and upload all the material required for entry (a portfolio containing 10 photos, a CV, a profile photo and a letter of reference) in the relevant fields. Lastly, they must declare that they agree to their personal data being processed for the purposes related to entering this Call for Submissions.

Failure to upload all the required materials, fill in all the required fields and accept the processing of one's personal data for purposes related to this Call for Submissions will result in exclusion from participation.

Each photographer may only enter once and submit a single project idea.

Entries must be uploaded no later than the deadline, failing which they will not be considered. Entry is free of charge except for standard connection charges, i.e., the charges levied by one's operator, with no surcharges.

Text files must be in .pdf format, the photo must be in jpg format and images must have a minimum size of 1500 px on the longest side. Each uploaded file must not exceed 2 MB

All uploaded project ideas may participate in the initiative provided that they are relevant and in keeping with the chosen theme, subject to verification that individual images are not contrary to common decency, do not violate the dignity of persons depicted or quoted, do not in any way promote products and/or brands, do not prejudice the image of any person, religion or religious order, including their symbols.

The photographs must be unpublished (never published) and must not have been awarded prizes in other competitions or shown in public at other events.

All uploaded project ideas will undergo a prior vetting with regard to their compliance with entry requirements, subject matter, etc. Only those that are correctly submitted will be eligible for the selection process. The project that wins the Open Call must be completed by 30/10/2025, in compliance with the provisions of the contract that its author will sign upon delivery of the award.



A Jury will evaluate each submission that fulfils the above-described requirements to determine the most deserving with regard to the theme of the Call for Submissions.

The Jury will comprise 9 (nine) members drawn from the world of culture and include professionals in the field, namely:

  • Guido Borsani, Fondazione Deloitte

  • Antonio Carloni, Vicedirector Gallerie d'Italia

  • Melissa Harris, editor-at-large di Aperture Foundation

  • Nicolas Jimenez, Photoeditor di LeMonde

  • Renata Ferri, Photoeditor RCS

  • Claudio Composti, curator

  • Erik Kessels, curator

  • Sara Rizzo, Conservatore Mudec

  • Newsha Tavakolian, winner 2023 Deloitte Photo Grant

In addition to the President of the Jury, Denis Curti.

Each member of the Jury will examine all the submissions received over the call period. Each juror will access the web portal containing them via personal logins and will award each a score from one to five.

Each juror will examine all the submissions and express his/her evaluation (in the form of a score), with the following criteria in mind:

  • consistency with the chosen theme

  • originality

  • quality of the photographic work

By 30/09/2024, the Jury will be convened via videoconference, and the President of the Jury will be appointed to draw up the minutes, which will be unanimously approved by the Jury attending via videoconference and signed by the President of the Jury. The minutes will record the name of the author of the photographic work that has received the highest score (resulting from the sum of the

votes assigned by each member of the Jury to all photographic entries received during the initiative), and therefore declared the winner.

This voting procedure will result in a ranking list that will be minuted until the 5th place so that the following names can be used as reserves if a winner cannot be found. In the event of a tie (same best score) between the first five places, a subsequent selection will be held during the videoconference, following the same voting criteria to determine who will be selected from the photographic works that have obtained the same score.

Each photographic work will be judged with a score from one to five, and the average of the scores will determine its ranking.

Judgments will be final.

It should be noted that the Jury will examine and assess all the entries received during the initiative. However, the Jury reserves the right not to award any score, or to award scores to fewer entries than the stated number, if no project idea, or fewer than the stated number, is worthy of exhibition and/or publication.


A Jury will evaluate each submission that fulfils the above-described requirements to determine the most deserving with regard to the theme of the Call for Submissions.

The Jury will comprise 9 (nine) members drawn from the world of culture, including professionals in the field, namely:

  • Guido Borsani, Fondazione Deloitte

  • Antonio Carloni, Vicedirector Gallerie d'Italia

  • Melissa Harris, editor-at-large di Aperture Foundation

  • Nicolas Jimenez, Photoeditor di LeMonde

  • Renata Ferri, Photoeditor RCS

  • Claudio Composti, curator

  • Erik Kessels, curator

  • Sara Rizzo, Conservatore Mudec

  • Newsha Tavakolian, winner 2023 Deloitte Photo Grant

In addition to the President of the Jury, Denis Curti.

Each member of the Jury will examine all the submissions received over the call period. Each juror will access the web portal containing them via personal logins and will award each a score from one to five.

Each juror will examine all the submissions and express his/her evaluation (as a score), with the following criteria in mind:

  • consistency with the chosen theme

  • originality

  • quality of the photographic work

By 30/06/2024, the Jury will be convened via videoconference and the President of the Jury will be appointed to draw up the minutes, which will be unanimously approved by the Jury attending via videoconference and signed by the President of the Jury. The minutes will record the name of the author of the photographic work that has received the highest score (obtained by averaging the scores issued and assigned by each member of the Jury to the project ideas submitted during the course of the initiative ), and therefore declared the winner.

This voting procedure will result in a ranking list that will be minuted until the 5th place so that, if a winner cannot be found, the following names can be used as reserves. In the event of a tie (same best score) between the first five places, a subsequent selection will be held during the videoconference, following the same voting criteria to determine who will be selected from the photographic works that have obtained the same score.

Each project idea will be judged with a score from one to five, and the sum of the votes will determine its ranking.

Judgments will be final.

It should be noted that the Jury will examine and assess all the entries received during the initiative. However, the Jury reserves the right not to award any score, or to award scores to fewer entries than the stated number, if no project idea, or fewer than the stated number, is worthy of exhibition and/or publication.


The Entrant, the original author, assumes full responsibility for the originality and authorship of the submitted work and releases the Organisation in full from any liability and/or direct or indirect damage caused to third parties as a result of misrepresentation regarding the authorship of the work. In particular, by accepting to take part in the call for submissions, each entrant declares and warrants that:

  • that their work is original and that it does not infringe the copyright and/or related rights and/or trademark rights/ industrial secrets/image rights or any other commercial and/or industrial and intellectual exploitation rights of any natural or legal person;

  • their photographs can be legally published, given that the Entrant expressly declares and warrants, accepting full personal liability in the event of any false statements, that any third parties represented therein have been duly informed by the Entrant that their images will also be submitted to Still Love S.r.l. e Deloitte for the purposes specified in these regulations. The Entrant declares and warrants that they have obtained all necessary releases and consents for using the photographs and exhibiting any subject represented therein. It is understood that, at the request of Deloitte, the Entrant will release to Deloitte any consents issued by third parties represented in the photographs in compliance with legislation and the present Rules and Regulations.

  • that it will hold Deloitte and its assignees fully indemnified and held harmless from any prejudicial consequences, costs or damages that may arise from any breach of this representation and warranty. Notably, the Entrant shall defend and fully indemnify Deloitte against any damages (including costs) that it may be called upon to pay or agree to pay to any third party as a result of an action or a claim brought because the mere possession or use of the work by the Promoter infringes or has infringed any rights including copyrights, trademarks, patents, invention and image rights, or any other exclusive third party right.

Without prejudice to the provisions set out below, the rights to the images of both categories shall be

retained by their authors. Still Love S.r.l. and Deloitte shall have the right to use the images for any communication related to the initiative described under these Regulations in their own (digital and printed) media with no limitations whatsoever. The images will also be used for the publication of the catalogue. Hence publishing rights will be granted exclusively for the production of the catalogue. The prints featured in the exhibition will be of no commercial value and explicitly marked (using a stamp) as exhibition prints. For the Nomination section a maximum of 40 prints will be made for the exhibition, and for the Open Call section a maximum of 30 prints will be made for the exhibition They may be circulated at shows held after the Mudec exhibition in Italy and abroad and/or used at Deloitte venues. At the end of the exhibition, they will remain part of the Deloitte archive. Photographers will be notified of any use subsequent to the Mudec exhibition. Additionally, two of the winning images from the Nominations section will remain the property of Deloitte and will become part of its private collection. This will also apply to two of the images from the winning project in the OPEN CALL section, once the project has been finalised. After completion of voting, the winners of both sections will be announced on the website, subject to authorisation by the winners.

Deloitte reserves the right not to accept and therefore exclude photographs containing elements that: - are deemed offensive and contrary to morality (vulgarity, scenes of violence, illegal activities, etc.); - infringe in any way upon third-party rights through defamatory content, invasion of privacy or copyright infringement.

Deloitte is not liable for any problem due to causes beyond its control, which may include access, impediment, malfunction or difficulty regarding technical equipment, computers, telephone lines, transmission and connection or Internet connection that may prevent an entrant from participating in this initiative.

The Entrant is the only person responsible for the use and management of the email account provided during the submission process, with particular reference to:

  • opening and viewing email notifications;

  • adopting appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorised parties from accessing the above mentioned email account.

Deloitte e Still Love S.r.l. hereby declare that they will not use any submissions for advertising purposes. By submitting photographs, Entrants unconditionally accept the provisions contained in this document without any limitations whatsoever.



The (one) entrant whose photographic work obtains the highest score will be recognised for their personal merit and awarded:

  • a solo exhibition, consisting of a maximum of 40 prints, at the Mudec, Museo delle Culture in Milan in December 2024, accompanied by a catalogue published by the 24ORE Cultura group

  • a cash prize of €40,000 (before any taxes and/or withholding taxes that may be applicable in the winner's country of residence, which will therefore be borne by him/her) intended to support contemporary photographic production.


The (one) entrant whose photographic work obtains the highest score will be recognised for their personal merit and awarded:

  • a mention within the exhibition dedicated to the winner of the NOMINATION section and €20,000 (before any taxes and/or withholding taxes that may be applicable in the winner's country of residence, which will therefore be borne by him/her) toward the execution of his/her project idea. The work will result in an exhibition, with a display of up to 30 works, when the next edition of the Award is held.

Exhibition arrangements, for both categories, provide that prints and mounts (frames or other installation solutions) be produced in Italy, to the highest quality standards, following their authors' specifications. They will be designed with the collaboration of the Award's artistic director (Denis Curti).

Photographers may exhibit their Award-winning work on other occasions and at other venues, as long as their communications mention that that work has received the Deloitte Photography Award.


Within 30 days following the date of their selection by the Jury, and in no case later than 30/09/2024, the (one) winner of each section will receive official notification via an email sent to the address provided upon entry.

To be eligible for the prize, the winner must claim it within the timeframe specified by the win notification (the Still Love S.r.l. secretariat will send an email).

Upon acceptance, and for both sections, winners will be required to sign a contract governing the terms and conditions of the prize money and the execution of the exhibitions. Still Love S.r.l. e Deloitte reserve the right to conduct necessary checks to ascertain the validity of entries and the accuracy of information provided during the entry process.


All information about the terms and conditions for entering this call will be available from the website.


The Call Promoter will process entrants' data exclusively for the purpose of managing the call. Any personal data collected will be processed, primarily electronically, by Deloitte and Still Love S.r.l. For the purposes of the Call for Submissions, the data will also be processed by jury members. At any time, entrants may exercise their right to consult, amend or delete their data or challenge their processing for legitimate reasons by writing to, for Deloitte, and for Still Love S.r.l. A list of data controllers can be requested from the same addresses.


The Court of Milan shall have exclusive jurisdiction for the interpretation and application of the above regulations.

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.

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