The Chico Review - Photobook Retreat and Publishing Prize 2025
The Chico Review - Photobook Retreat and Publishing Prize 2025
The Chico Review - Photobook Retreat and Publishing Prize 2025
Juried photobook retreat in Montana with Sally Mann, Christopher Anderson, Dana Lixenberg, Mark Power, Sage Sohier, Matthew Genitempo, Carla Williams Sergio Purtell and more

By clicking "Start Submission", you agree to be contacted by the host regarding this opportunity.

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By clicking "Start Submission", you agree to be contacted by the host regarding this opportunity.

By applying, you understand that you are entering your photography portfolio into consideration for a the 2025 Chico Review hosted by Charcoal Book Club in Pray, Montana. The application fee $55, and $65 for late entry. If selected, participation will require a deposit within 7 days to confirm attendance. The remaining tuition will be paid in full before Monday, February 16th. The total tuition fee (including deposit) for the event is $4,850. The tuition fee covers lectures, meals, and portfolio reviews at Chico Hot Springs Resort, but you are responsible for your travel to and from the event. Upon acceptance of your invitation, we will collect an additional fee for the accommodations you choose and book lodging on your behalf. Our Jury will review all portfolios and offer invitations based on merit.

Monday (3/17) and Sunday (3/23) are considered arrival and departure days. Lectures, panel discussions, and reviews will take place starting Tuesday (3/18) and concluding Saturday (3/22). Charcoal Book Club will provide three meals per day starting with dinner Monday (3/17) through breakfast Sunday (3/23).

All deposits, tuition payments and fees are non-refundable.* Charcoal Book Club is not responsible for reimbursing travel expenses if the event is postponed or canceled.

*Refund & Revocation Policy: Charcoal Book Club / Chico Review does not issue refunds under any circumstances. Any and all payments made to Charcoal Book Club / Chico Review are not refundable for any reason, including, without limitation, failure to attend and use credentials due to illness, acts of God, travel-related problems, acts of terrorism, loss of employment and/or duplicate purchases, postponement or rescheduling of event dates.

Charcoal Book Club / Chico Review will not issue refunds for credentials that have been revoked. Charcoal Book Club / Chico Review reserves the right to revoke any credentials at anytime for any reason. Unused Credentials have no monetary value and cannot be credited to future years or events. Attendance or use of a Credential by anyone other than the authorized individual will result in revocation of the Credential without a refund.

If an Event in its entirety is postponed for any reason, your Credentials will be valid for the rescheduled dates. If an Event in its entirety is postponed for any reason, you agree that aside from your Credentials being valid for the rescheduled dates, you will have no remedy against Charcoal Book Club / Chico Review, at law, in equity or otherwise, including, without limitation, for a refund of payments made, expenses incurred, or any actual, consequential, or punitive loss or damages of any kind, regardless of whether such loss or damage was foreseeable or Charcoal Book Club / Chico Review was advised of the same.

If an Event is cancelled in its entirety for any reason, you may defer your Credentials to the next Chico Review Event of the same type for which your Credentials were purchased. If an Event is cancelled in its entirety for any reason, you agree that aside from obtaining a deferral credit for your Credentials, you will have no remedy against Charcoal Book Club / Chico Review, at law, in equity or otherwise, including, without limitation, for a refund of payments made, expenses incurred, or any actual, consequential, or punitive loss or damages of any kind, regardless of whether such loss or damage was foreseeable or Charcoal Book Club / Chico Review was advised of the same.

Charcoal Book Club / Chico Review reserves the right to replace any speaker or reviewer at anytime for any reason.

Changes to the Participation Terms: Charcoal Book Club / Chico Review reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. It is your responsibility to review these terms at the time of submitting your application for any changes or updates.

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Please feel free to contact us.

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