IV Barcelona Human Rights International Photo Festival
IV Barcelona Human Rights International Photo Festival
IV Barcelona Human Rights International Photo Festival
we are looking for human rights photo projects

The Associació Catalana per la Pau (ACP), International Action Peace (IAP) and the Más Retina collective organize and convene the fourth edition of the Barcelona International Photography Festival on Human Rights and Global Justice.

The Festival will be made up of 10 large-format exhibitions that will come out of this call, and that will be exhibited in the streets and squares of Barcelona, one in each district of the city, from 10/12/24 (International Human Rights Day) to 07/01/2025.


OBJECTIVES The Festival aims to take a look at global problems and their causes using photography as a tool to advance towards greater levels of social justice, environmental sustainability and the exercise of all rights within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals. The objective is to generate spaces for reflection and information that stimulate critical citizenship, with the ability to intervene in the debates that make up our time.


  • September 15: Opening of the call
  • October 31: Closing of the Call
  • Jury decision. The jury will deliberate during the month of November and will communicate the results to the winners before november 30
  • December 30: Presentation of the festival
  • December 14 th; winner announcement via social media (Instagram)
  • From December 10/12/24 to 07/01/25: Development of the festival


Photographers, both professionals and amateurs, of legal age and whatever their nationality may participate. You will not be able to attend this call personally from the Más Retina group, ACP or IAP. The contest has a registration fee is €5 for project, that will be paid when the photos are uploaded through the PICTER platform. Each participant may submit more than one project.


The photographic projects submitted must address themes related to Human Rights and global justice and integrate the gender perspective. Among the selected works, priority will be given to those whose themes best incorporate some dimension of global justice and preferably also include a local-global dimension. Specifically, special consideration will be given to works whose stories are related to environmental justice and the impacts of climate change. We will also prioritize stories of gender justice, including those that highlight the inequalities faced by women on the planet. We will also prioritize stories of social justice, especially those that address issues of migration and refuge and the causes that generate them. Likewise, we will take into account works that address issues of economic justice, including those that reflect the injustices and inequalities that arise from economic relations between countries of the North and South, from labor migration itself, the exploitation of natural resources or that reflect how economic inequalities contribute to social injustice in urban contexts. Likewise, work that addresses peacebuilding, armed conflicts that contextualize their causes and effects, and in general that is oriented toward the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 agenda, as well as toward understanding the global development model and the relationships of interdependence between actors and countries and the approach to the causes of inequalities, will be favorably valued.


It must be sent exclusively through the PICTER platform

It must be presented:

  • Personal and contact data (Word document)
  • Each participant will be able to present a series of 15 photographs of a theme that deal with the theme of the festival. Photographs must be submitted in digital format, color or black and white.
  • Descriptive synopsis of the topic addressed by the series presented
  • Include photo captions in Metadata
  • The photographs must be numbered according to the narrative sequence
  • You must name each image file with the title of the series and the corresponding order number (eg: title_01, title_02).
  • The digital images must not carry any type of identification of the contestant neither in the image nor in the metadata.


The images must be in JPEG and compressed in high quality (12) with RGB color profile, and with a resolution of 300 ppi/dpi and with a minimum size of 40 cm on its smallest side

The original structure of the digital image can only be altered by darkroom techniques such as brightness, contrast and color adjustments, overexposure and underexposure. No other changes to the original digital image will be permitted.

Only single frame photographs will be accepted. Photomontages and multiple exposures will be excluded from the contest.

In case of doubt regarding a possible digital alteration of the image outside of what is allowed in the bases of this prize, the organization reserves the right to request the participants the original file of the photograph without retouching, as it was recorded by the camera, or a scanned and untreated copy, negative or slide. Digital manipulation or any type of photoshop effects will not be allowed, only basic color corrections that do not alter the content are allowed.

In order to proceed with the printing of the works, the files will be required in the highest quality.

Projects submitted to this competition in previous editions cannot be submitted, And projects must be 15 photos, and 7 files need to be created after 01/01/2023


Each of the instructions on the PICTER platform must be followed


The deadline for admission of the works will definitively conclude on October 31, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. (Spain).


The ten projects selected by the jury will be exhibited during the festival in the streets of Barcelona and will be part of the catalog of the 2024 edition. And the best of the ten projects will receive a prize of 3.000 euros.

The payment of the prize will be made on account of the authorship that has been the winner and the tribute of all taxes levied on the perception of this according to the nationality of the author of the winning project will be applied to its amount.


Prior to the start of the period for submitting works to the contest, the ACP, IAP and Más Retina will agree on the members of the Festival jury, which will be made up of photography professionals specialized in Human Rights and by people related to the world of cooperation and human rights.

The decision of the jury will be adopted by a simple majority of its members and will be final, reserving the right to make any decision on issues that may arise during the development of the contest and that are not included in these rules.

The jury will choose, among all the works presented to the contest, both the works selected to be exhibited during the days of the festival and that will be considered as finalists of the contest, as well as the winning work that will be chosen among them.

At the discretion of the organization, the exhibitions of the winners may be held in other places in Spain and abroad, with the sole purpose of promoting the photographers, their work, the Festival and the Prize.

The organizers reserve the right to use the images of the award-winning report for the promotion of the Festival (for example in the catalog or for the promotion of the event in traditional communication channels, social networks, newsletters, etc.). The Festival will always take into account the credits of the photographer.

The organization of the Festival reserves the right to exhibit a smaller number of images compared to the original presentation to the contest due to space problems in some of the locations designated for the exhibition of the prize.

The three organizations undertake to respect the moral right recognized in favor of the authors in article 14 of the Consolidated Text of the Property Law and reserve the right to make changes to the planned schedule, provided that these contribute to a greater success of this contest.


Submitting to the call for the Barcelona International Photography Festival on Human Rights and Global Justice implies full acceptance of these legal bases and the explicit waiver of any subsequent claim. ACP, IAP and Mas Retina reserve the right to postpone, shorten, extend, modify, suspend or cancel the contest if necessary, without implying any responsibility for the organization, which in any case will communicate it reliably.

Once the material for the contest has been delivered, the registrant may not modify it, withdraw it or withdraw from the contest.

Among all the works submitted to the call, the competition jury will select up to a maximum of ten projects that will be considered as finalists and that will be exhibited during the festival dates in the public space of Barcelona, distributed throughout the 10 districts of the city.

The production of these exhibitions will be carried out by the organization of the Festival in accordance with the authorship, but adjusting to the assigned budget. Participation in this call implies full acceptance of each and every one of these rules and the verdict of the contest jury.


The participant assumes the authorship and originality of the registered works; declaring that he/she is the legitimate owner of all the rights inherent to it and without any limitation.

The participants are fully responsible for being the only authors, that there are no rights to third parties or any claim for image rights that may arise from the works submitted to the contest.

The organization may freely use the selected images for the dissemination of communication actions related to the award or the themes to which the photographs refer, always citing the author and with prior communication.

In relation to the foregoing, ACP, IAP and Más Retina acknowledge that the author of the photographs presented will retain full ownership of their copyright. Likewise, the authors are also responsible for any copyright claim by an entity or agent that manages the copyright.


In turn, the participant is responsible for compliance with current legal provisions regarding intellectual property and the right to their own image, responsibly declaring that the dissemination or reproduction of the work in all media and supports that determined by the ACP, IAP and Más Retina for the dissemination of the call itself and/or the educational and awareness-raising projects and campaigns of the ACP, IAP and Más Retina will not injure or harm any right of the contestant or of third parties.

For these purposes, the authors are responsible before ACP, IAP and Más Retina for all pecuniary charges that may arise from claims or conflicts that arise from the violation of the aforementioned rights.

The participant also exempts ACP, IAP and Más Retina from any liability that could result from the breach by third parties of the conditions of improper and illegal use of the submitted works.


The participant guarantees that the person(s) whose image is reproduced in the photograph(s) submitted to the contest have expressly and unequivocally consented to the capture of their image for the photograph(s). (s), as well as for its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.

In the event that the person(s) appearing in the photograph(s) is/are a minor, the participant guarantees that they have obtained the express and unequivocal consent of their mother/father or guardian to capture their image for the photograph(s), as well as for its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.

The participant exempts ACP, IAP and Más Retina from any liability that could result from non-compliance with the provisions of this section.


The author of the first prize and the authors of the selected works, by accepting the rules of the contest, authorize the Associació Catalana per la Pau, International Action Peace and MAS RETINA on a non-exclusive in relation to the festival, both nationally and internationally. , to the exercise of the rights of reproduction, distribution and public communication of their works

The authors of the selected works grant ACP, IAP and Más Retina, on a non-exclusive basis, with a worldwide geographic scope, without any economic consideration and until the work passes into the public domain, the exploitation rights of the same. Specifically and in relation to the festival, they assign the rights of reproduction, editing, distribution, public communication and transformation in any format or support known or not currently known, in the following terms:

  • The right of reproduction, for the sole purpose that ACP, IAP and Más Retina may use the images selected for this Festival, in any communication, promotion and/or dissemination material related to the Photography Festival on Human Rights and Global Justice of Barcelona, whether in physical or digital format (catalogue, exhibitions, brochures, posters, educational program materials, publicity, television publications, press inserts, newsletters/magazines/memoirs, web pages of the organizers and of the Festival, profiles on the social networks of the organizers and the Festival, in exhibitions, projects, program, whether in catalogs and brochures of the exhibition, without being entitled to payment of any remuneration.

  • The right of distribution, in order to broadcast the publications on television, inserts in the press, magazines, catalogs, among the public and, also to accompany possible articles and/or reports in different media, always citing the authorship of the images.

  • The right of public communication, in its modality of public exhibition and making available, in order to carry out exhibition of both the awarded and selected works and the aforementioned advertising posters, as well as to enable third parties to access the web pages above, respectively.

  • The right of transformation, for the purpose of adaptation and reproduction in other media Likewise, the authors of the winning work and of the finalist works, assign for the same period of time, geographical scope and non-exclusive nature, the exploitation rights of the derivative works that are based on the pre-existing work whose exploitation rights are assigned in this act.

Said authors or authors of the selected works expressly authorize to Más Retina to assign these rights in favor of third parties, in order to fulfill their founding purposes and projects in which the association participates. For the purposes contemplated here, the author of the images undertakes to sign the agreements that are necessary to make the stipulated assignment effective.


ACP, IAP and Más Retina undertake to respect copyright and therefore, to always include the name of the author in all the photographs used. However, failure to provide such credit by mistake will not be considered a breach, provided that the organization makes every effort to rectify it within a reasonable time from the date of notification of the breach.


All the projects selected as finalists will be exhibited between, at least, 10/12/24 and 07/01/24 in Barcelona, in the public spaces designated by the District Councils and the collaborating entities.

These projects may be exhibited on an itinerant basis on dates after the Festival in other exhibition spaces with informative, pedagogical or didactic purposes, always to promote the festival, the award and human rights

ACP, IAP and Más Retina undertake not to transfer any copies of the projects to third parties without the express authorization of their authors or legal representatives. Nor do they acquire any exclusivity over the award-winning project, or over the selected ones, beyond the filing and disclosure rights that appear in these bases. All authors maintain their copyright and, as a consequence, the possibility of disseminating and marketing their projects. The participants authorize the organization to partially or totally reproduce their works for the promotion and dissemination of the festival in the media and in its promotional channels (on and offline).

For the purposes contemplated herein, the contest participants undertake to sign the agreements that are necessary to make the stipulated transfer effective.


In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data and its complementary regulations, ACP, IAP and Más Retina informs you that the personal data provided with your request, including the email address, will be be incorporated for processing in a file in order to carry out the necessary actions for the development of the contest, the verification that the contestants meet the requirements established in these contest rules and to be able to contact you in the case of being a of the winners in accordance with the rules of this contest. The data protection regulations allow participants to exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition, deletion (“right to be forgotten”), limitation of treatment, portability and not to be subject to individualized decisions by directing a data controller. written to masretinaphoto@gmail.com

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.

If you have any questions masretinaphoto@gmail.com

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