Open Call for Proposals: WMA Commission 2025/26 Hope
Open Call for Proposals: WMA Commission 2025/26 Hope
Open Call for Proposals: WMA Commission 2025/26 Hope
Hong Kong non-profit art organisation WMA calls for proposals from artists and photographers to undertake new bodies of work or extension of existing lens-based projects related to the biennial theme for 2025/26, “Hope”.

By clicking "Start Submission", you agree to be contacted by the host regarding this opportunity.

Start submission

By clicking "Start Submission", you agree to be contacted by the host regarding this opportunity.


The organiser of the WMA Commission is the WYNG Foundation. Employees and trustees of the WYNG Foundation as well as directors and officers of official partners or those professionally directly connected with the promotion of the WMA Commission are not eligible to enter this competition.


Entries are open to both residents of Hong Kong and other countries. The call for submissions is open to all nationalities and anyone above the age of 18.

All applicants should go through the online portal: Picter Contests

Submissions can be made in English or Chinese.

By making a submission, you agree to be bound by the rules set out by the WYNG Foundation. All entrants agree to participate in any publicity in connection with the WMA Commission as required and to the use of your name and likeness for the purpose of promotion and publicity.

There is no entry fee associated with the WMA Commission.

Submissions are accepted from 15 August 2024 to 1 November 2024 (18:00 Hong Kong Time)

Overseas participants should ensure that they are able to be in Hong Kong for the public presentation. Details of the project execution, including but not limited to the exhibition dates and its format, would be agreed upon by both the Foundation and the winner.


The decision of the judges in deciding the WMA Commission recipient is final and the WYNG Foundation will not enter into any correspondence regarding the judging or its organisation. The WYNG Foundation reserves the right to conduct an initial round of pre-screening. The actual format of the project will be agreed upon between the recipients and the Foundation separately.


The entrant must be the author and owner of copyright, intellectual property and all other proprietary rights in all images entered. You will retain copyright and all other rights to any images you submit. If you are shortlisted as a finalist, you will be invited to an interview with the judges. The images you submit may be used for the following purposes:

  • Inclusion within the WMA website, WYNG Foundation website or similar print or digital media published by the WYNG Foundation for the promotion of the WMA Commission

  • Inclusion within marketing and promotional materials (including emails, websites and press packs) for any WMA Commission related programmes

  • Distribution of the entries to the press for reproduction in connection with the WMA Commission and related programmes

  • All entrants must be able to supply high-resolution images suitable for printing in media. All usage will be for non-profit and promotional purposes related to the WMA Commission and related programmes. There will be no monetary compensation for usage.


The WYNG Foundation reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual(s) who finds to be:

  • Tampering or attempting to tamper with the entry process or the operation of the WMA Commission

  • Violating the rules

  • Violating terms of use

  • Acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with the intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other person

  • Any false or misleading information provided by any entrant

It is the sole and unfettered discretion of the WYNG Foundation to disqualify proposals containing obscene, provocative, defamatory, sexually explicit, or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate content.


If for any reason the call for proposals is not capable of running as planned, due to cyber attacks by computer virus, bugs, worms, trojan horses, denial of service attacks, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of the WYNG Foundation that corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of the WMA Commission, The WYNG Foundation reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual(s) who tamper with the entry process, and/or to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the WMA Commission.


The WYNG Foundation is not responsible for any typographical or other error in the printing of the call for submissions, official rules, or administration of the WMA Commission. The WYNG Foundation accepts no responsibility for any entries that are lost, delayed, damaged, stolen, misdirected or mislaid. The WYNG Foundation is not responsible for electronic transmission errors resulting in omission, interruption, deletion, or delay in operations or transmission, or for technical, network, telephone equipment, electronic, computer, hardware or software malfunctions or limitations of any kind.

The WYNG Foundation shall not be liable for damage to your computer (including, without limitation, any server failure or lost, delayed or corrupted data or other malfunction) due, either directly or indirectly, to your participation in the call for proposals or downloading of information in connection with it. WYNG Foundation reserves the right to modify or cancel the WMA Commission in the event that any portion of any website used to administer any aspect of the WMA Commission becomes technically corrupted.

By submitting an entry for the WMA Commission, you warrant to the WYNG Foundation that the entry is wholly original to you and not wholly or substantially copied from any other material and that the entry does not defame, cause injury to or invade the privacy of or otherwise infringe or violate any statutory, common law, regulatory or intellectual property rights of any third party. You agree to fully indemnify The WYNG Foundation and any of the official partners of the WYNG Foundation relating to the WMA Commission in respect of all royalties, fees and other monies owing to any person by reason of your breaching this rule.


Applicants have the right to review or rectify any personal data held by the WYNG Foundation and any of the official partners, sponsors or associates by writing to the WYNG Foundation.

The WYNG Foundation collects personal and biographical information from applicants submitting their work to our website. The information is used only by WYNG Foundation for the purpose of the selection of the winner and for contacting applicants. The public does not have access to this database. Once an applicant is selected as a winner, professional email and website addresses may be made available to the public with the winner's approval.

In light of the provisions in the Personal Data (Privacy) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012 on the use of personal data for direct marketing purposes have come into force since 1 April 2013, the WYNG Foundation would ensure that all those who have signed on are well informed of the WMA Commission's latest news and/or events and activities, the organiser would continue to use email addresses provided for sending information regarding the WMA Commission's activities (including seminars, workshops or other events organised or co-organised by the WMA), invitations, news and other relevant communications.

Personal data collected will not be transferred, sold, traded or rented in any form or through any means to other parties. Upon request at any time, the WMA Commission would cease to use one's personal data. Participants may opt-out from receiving the organiser's communications or request to access and correct personal data at any time with an email to

WMA Commission rules are governed by Hong Kong law. Any disputes arising between the WYNG Foundation and any third party in relation to these submission rules shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Hong Kong SAR.

WYNG Foundation acknowledges that the information is correct at the time of publication – the WYNG Foundation reserves the right to amend any of the above without notice. If there are differences between the English and Chinese versions of the Terms and Conditions and other texts on the call for submission website referring to the submission rules and regulations, the English version of the Terms and Conditions shall prevail.


WMA委託計劃由 WYNG 基金會主辦。WYNG基金會信託人、員工和 WMA 委託計劃的合作機構人員以及工作直接與 WMA 委託計劃相關人士均不得參加是次比賽,以示公允。


WMA委託計劃歡迎任何18歲以上香港或海外攝影師及藝術家參加,國籍與地區不限。 所有申請人均須於大會網站報名,網站: Picter Contests




WMA委託計劃將於2024年8月15日至2024年11月1日(18:00 香港時間)接收計劃申請。






主辦單位將邀請入圍者與評判小組會面。你提交的照片或圖像將用作以下用途:刊載於 WMA 網站、WYNG 基金會網站、WYNG 基金會的印刷品和電子刊物以宣傳 WMA 委託計劃。WMA 委託計劃宣傳品,包括電郵、網站、傳媒簡報給予傳媒許可複製相片,作報導 WMA 委託計劃及相關節目之用。所有參加者必須能夠提供高清晰度的圖像,配合印刷之用。用途將限於非牟利及宣傳 WMA 委託計劃及相關節目。主辦單位不會另付酬金作上述及相關用途。


若大會發現計劃申請者作以下行為,WYNG 基金會保留取消任何參選計劃的最終權利:

  • 干預或企圖篡改參賽過程或 WMA 委託計劃的操作

  • 違反比賽細則

  • 違反條款細則

  • 違反公平競爭或刻意破壞,或意圖騷擾、虐待、威脅或滋擾他人

  • 提供任何虛假或具誤導性的資料



如果因任何原因徵收委託計劃申請不能夠按計劃進行,例如由於感染電腦病毒、程式錯誤、破壞程式、木馬程式、拒絕服務攻擊、篡改、未經授權的干預、欺詐行為、技術故障,或其他 WYNG 基金會不能控制的情況,而這些情況破壞或影響 WMA 委託計劃的管理、安全、公正性、誠信,或其他損害,WYNG 基金會擁有最終決定權取消干預項目的參加者之資格和/或取消、終止、修改,或暫停 WMA 委託計劃。


WYNG 基金會對任何印刷或其他錯誤概不負責,包括徵求委託計劃申請內容、大會規則,或WMA委託計劃的行政細節。WYNG 基金會同時不對任何作品遺失、延遲、損壞、被盜、誤傳或錯置的情況負責。電子傳輸錯誤而導致的遺漏、中斷、刪除、操作或傳送延遲,或技術、網絡、電話設備、電子、電腦、硬件或軟件故障或任何其他問題,WYNG 基金會概不負責。

WYNG 基金會不會為以下任何一種情況引致損失或傷害承擔責任:

  • 在委託過程中得獎者接受/擁有和/或使用/濫用/失去或損壞獎項參加 WMA 委託計劃個人、聯合或集體的電話網絡和/或傳輸線、互聯網連接、電腦設備,硬件和/或軟件故障。

  • 任何作品提交的延誤或扭曲,當中可以是由於技術故障、數據傳輸出現亂碼、不完整、誤傳、遺失、殘缺、延遲、損壞、機械重複、字跡模糊或其他與規則不符的情況。WYNG 基金會不會為閣下電腦的損壞承擔責任(包括但不限於任何伺服器出現故障或數據遺失,延遲或損壞或其他故障),不論這些損壞可能直接或間接緣於閣下參與 WMA 委託計劃或下載與 WMA 委託計劃有關的資料。 WYNG 基金會有權於網站的任何部分技術上損壞時修改或取消 WMA 委託計劃。

  • 一旦遞交計劃申請,參加者即保證所提交申請及作品為原創,並沒有全部或絕大部分抄襲他人或其他作品。作品不可詆毀他人、引起傷害或侵犯隱私,或以其他方式侵犯或違反任何法例、普通法、規例、觸及第三者利益或知識產權。閣下同意完全免除 WYNG 基金會和協辦機構之版稅、費用及閣下違反本規則而可能虧欠他人的其他款項。


參加者有權以書面要求檢閱、糾正,或刪除 WYNG 基金會及其合作伙伴持有的個人資料。WYNG 基金會收集參加者於電郵或網上傳送檔案網站提交的個人資料。資料只供 WYNG 基金會使用,作處理有關本委託計劃事宜及聯絡參加者之用途。公眾不能從數據庫存取資料。一旦獲選為委託計劃得主,其工作電郵和網址在當事人同意下或會公開。

有鑑於《2012年個人資料 (私隱) (修訂)條例》新加入關於直接促銷的部分已於2013年4月1日生效,WYNG 基金會會確保 WMA 委託計劃電子通訊錄中的人士,只會接受相關活動的消息和/或活動。主辦單位將會繼續使用電子郵發送有關WMA委託計劃的活動資訊(包括比賽、講座、工作坊等活動)、邀請、新聞發佈或相關的通訊。


WMA 委託計劃的規則受香港法律管轄。任何 WYNG 基金會與涉及比賽或比賽規則的第三者之間的糾紛,須經香港特區法院訟裁。

WYNG 基金會確認資料於出版一刻正確無訛。WYNG 基金會有權修改上述細則,恕不另行通知。本條款及細則之英文文本及中文文本或網頁內有關參加比賽的條文,在文義上如有任何異議,概以英文條款及細則文本為準。

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.

Reach out to WMA Team at if you have any questions.

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