Utopia: a perfect place or no place?



  1. The ARTPHILEIN PHOTOBOOK CONTEST is launched by De Pietri Artphilein Foundation (the Organiser).
    De Pietri Artphilein Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to contemporary art and photography by collectors Gianfranco and Caterina De Pietri, founded in 2006 and based in Paradiso, Lugano. The foundation's aim is to promote contemporary photography through a publishing house and a library of photo-books, as well as exhibition spaces and a bookstore.

  2. The theme of the contest is UTOPIA: A PERFECT PLACE OR NO PLACE? (more details in the document THEME of the CONTEST).

  3. The contest is open to artists and photographers with no restrictions based on age or nationality. Applicants may enter as individuals or groups (in the latter case, the group will indicate a leader, who will be the recipient of all communications).

  4. Any original photographic project is welcome, however, recently originated projects (not predating 2020) will be more easily considered.

  5. The participation is free and no submission fee is to be paid by participants.

  6. The contest is open for online submission only, through the contest page at

  7. The submission deadline is 15th September 2024. After that date no submission will be accepted.

  8. The material must be uploaded by the candidate using the link available on the Artphilein website by the aforementioned date. Any material received from channels other than the online submission page will not be accepted.

  9. Each participant may submit only one photobook project.

  10. The submitting participant is required to provide:

    • a written explanation in English of the photobook project (max 200 words);
    • a unique title;
    • at least 10 and no more than 20 photos
    • if applicable, the texts to be featured in the photobook project.
  11. The Organiser reserves the right to disregard any photobook project or image submitted at its discretion, without needing to provide any explanation to the submitting participant.

  12. Images with inappropriate and/or offensive content, including violence, human rights violations and/or any other contents deemed contrary to laws are prohibited and will be immediately discarded.

  13. The contest jury (Judging Panel) will be made up of international curators and professionals with a thorough knowledge of photobooks.

  14. The Judging Panel will shortlist ten projects from among the thirty applications pre-selected by the Organiser. The Jury Panel will then pick the winner of the contest from among the shortlisted applications. The Jury Panel's decision will be announced on November 8nd, 2024 on

  15. All decisions made by the Jury Panel are final and binding with regard to all contest participants in respect of all matters relating to the contest.

  16. If one of the jury members leaves the Jury Panel, the Organiser and the remaining jurors are allowed to proceed with the selection of the winner regardless.

  17. The award grants the winner:

    • A residency at the Organiser's spaces in Lugano, the duration of which will be agreed upon with the winner.
    • the production of the photobook, to be published by Artphilein Editions, carried out in consultation with the Organiser, which will decide the print run of the publication;
    • the assistance by the Organiser at every stage of production, editing and designing of the photobook, during the winner's residence at the Artphilein Library;
    • 10% of the copies of the published photobook;
    • an exhibition at the Organiser's spaces in Lugano/Paradiso.
  18. The contest winner undertakes to complete the publication of the photobook.
    Furthermore, the winner accepts that the Organiser will be credited by means of its logo and in wording in the book and in all book-related communications. The book's colophon will include at least the following acknowledgement: "This publication was made possible thanks to the DE PIETRI ARTPHILEIN FOUNDATION," accompanied by the Organiser's logo.

  19. In the event that the contest winner wishes to decline the prize, the Jury Panel reserves the right to choose another candidate from the 30 shortlisted.

  20. Any photos, statements or texts submitted must be original, created and/or taken by the participant. Each participant is liable for the project presented and its parts, and will guarantee that s/he is the unique and exclusive author of the photobook project submitted. Should the project include third-party materials, the participant guarantees that any necessary licenses have been obtained. The participant will furthermore guarantee that s/he does not infringe any laws, third-party rights, copyrights, trademarks, moral rights, rights to privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity. If persons are depicted, the participant furthermore guarantees that any necessary consent of the persons portrayed has been obtained.

  21. Upon making the submission to the contest, the participant grants the Organiser a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty free, sub-licensable right and license to use, publish, reproduce, display, adapt, create derivative works, distribute, have distributed, print, in whole or in part, in any form, in any media forms known now or hereafter, to promote the contest for editorial and educational purposes.

  22. The author will be credited wherever the image is used.

  23. The participant exonerates the Organiser and Artphilein Editions SA from all liabilities, claims, demands, controversies, damages, actions and causes of action whatsoever arising from / relating in any way to the photobook project submitted, no matter what the cause or nature thereof, without limitation.

  24. In no circumstance will the Organiser be liable for any error, omission, problem, webpage malfunction, incorrect or inaccurate information which may occur in processing the submitted projects, images and submissions.

  25. The Organiser reserves the right to renounce to both the proclamation of the winner as well as the granting of the awards should the projects submitted not be deemed to be of a suitable quality.

  26. All decisions by the Judging Panel and/or by the Organiser are final and irrevocable. They do not require any motivation. Participants taking part in the contest therefore commit not to appeal any decision made by the Panel or Organiser.

  27. This contest, the submissions and these rules are governed by and construed in accordance with Swiss Laws. Jurisdiction is Lugano (Switzerland).

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact us.


Tel: 0041 (0)78 976 05 77

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