Utopia: a perfect place or no place?
Ronald Pizzoferrato
Ronald Pizzoferrato

Ronald Pizzoferrato is a visual artist and photographer. His photographic career in Switzerland started when he won the Globetrotter World Photo prize in 2018. Pizzoferrato completed the Master in Art & Design with specialization in 'Trends & Identity' at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), he exhibited at Photoforum Pasquart in 2021 and was nominated for the Swiss Design Award 2022 in the field of 'Photography'. He works on international projects related to identity, migration, violence, poverty, and decolonization. His research methods include designethnographic methodology (workshops, interviews, participant observation, artifact collection, netnogaphy, social media research, etc.), photography, audio recording, and videography. His approach is to visualize marginalized spaces and realities that can be confusing at first, but that help educate people about issues with which they are unfamiliar.

Michela Becchis
Michela Becchis

Michela Becchis is an historian, art critic, and independent curator, teaches at various universities, academies, and high-level educational institutions. She has always divided her studies and research between medieval and contemporary art, with a particular interest in the relationship between art, history, and political movements, as well as the circulation of figurative and linguistic models across different cultures. She has curated more than 60 exhibitions of contemporary art at Italian institutions and galleries. Michela Becchis is the project manager and curator of the Officina delle Culture Association. She is the co-director and project manager of the Castelnuovo di Porto International Photography Festival. She writes for Il Manifesto, Alias, S-Definizioni, and ArtAPart.

Anne Nwakalor
Anne Nwakalor

Anne Nwakalor is the Founding Editor of No! Wahala Magazine, one of Africa's first-ever contemporary photography magazine dedicated to showcasing authentic visual stories told by African creatives. She is also a Photo Editor and presently works as a Communication Officer within the art space in the UK. Her practice developed whilst studying a BA in Photojournalism and Documentary photography at the University of The Arts London and a Masters in Media, Ethics and Social Change at the University of Sussex. Her interests revolve around ethical storytelling within the photography space, Afrofuturism, representation, and elitism within the art world. Anne Nwakalor is also a critical writer, usually writing on topics such as 'Othering', 'Exoticism' and Colonialism within the Photography industry.

Caterina De Pietri
Caterina De Pietri

Caterina De Pietri is the director of the De Pietri Artphilein Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to contemporary art and philosophy, with a particular interest in photography. In 2013 she founded the publishing house Artphilein Editions, focused on photobooks and artists' books. In 2019 she opened the public library, Artphilein Library, in Lugano. In 2021-22 she inaugurated the exhibition spaces Focus and La Piscina. She graduated in law from the University of Zurich; from 1986 until 2005 she was a lawyer and public notary in Lugano. Today she is still active as an international legal consultant.

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